Late night walks

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Isabella's Point Of View

"Please don't hit me!" I begged him, my foster father and abuser who held tight to a leather belt while my seven year old self, was knelt down before him. Mischa Simmons was the bastard's name, he was a lazy no good drunk that beat me all the time. He was abusive and worked as a truck driver, and every night whenever he came home from work he never missed the opportunity to hit me.

"Shut up you cursed witch!" He slurred on his words. "How many times have I told you, never to talk back to me, huh!" He scolded, delivering another hit with his belt on my back. I cried out but there was no one there to help me. I was forced to relieve these worst moments of my life where he tried to force himself on me. That was the last time I took any of his abuse. He always thought I was the devil so I became him.

On the night he came back from work, he was heavily drunk and was pissed off about getting laid off from work. I went to my room, scared to death to be around him right now. But he was out of his mind, he followed me into my room where he tried to force himself on me.

I didn't mean to hurt him, but I just couldn't let that animal have his way with me. But now I think about it, if I could go back to that day I would rather have killed him with my own hands. He was no better than the monsters that wanted me dead.

That night when he attacked me, I couldn't control my powers, I summoned magical four flames, which burnt and left a permanent scar on his face. After that day he was even terrified to look at me. He never dated and abused me again.

Then three years later, that was the first time the Red Circle coven found me. That day when I came home from school, I found him dead- he was petrified, laying in a pool of his own blood. I heard hissing sound echoing all through the house, I knew she had found me again.

I could see her crimson red lips form into a smile, "Hello my little niece." My aunt Delilah grinned widely as she inched closer towards me. Her pet basilisk serpent slithering beside her. That fucking serpent was always by her side. It was the one that petrified and killed my foster dad.

"You thought you could run away from me forever. But you can't outrun me. Your daddy couldn't, your mommy couldn't and you also failed!" She erupted into fearful laughter. It felt like I was reliving all these memories I tried so hard to bury, all over again. But I knew this was all a nightmare.

"No. No. No. No. It's not real." I cowered on the floor, curled up to myself as I kept on repeating those words like they were my only protection.

My aunt and her pet inched closer to me as I lost control of my powers, exploding in a fiery blue flame. I watched my aunt's eyes widen in disbelief, she was surprised at how powerful I had become and so was I. I didn't know I was capable of so much.

I let out an ear piercing scream as it shattered all the glass windows to the ground. I erupted in flames, burning the entire house to the ground.

"NO!" I scream, finally waking up from another terrible nightmare. "It was just a nightmare. She isn't here. You are safe Isabella." I reassured myself, brushing off the beads of sweat on my forehead. But something about this dream felt too real. It was scary to admit but I knew soon enough, all the monsters hiding underneath my bed would finally catch up to me. I knew it was only a matter of time before she found me.

I needed to get my mind off everything. I needed to go for a long walk to cool off my thoughts. I started to wander out into the woods.

Dimitri's Point Of View

I had just finished the last paperwork on my desk. I had spent all day locked up in my office tending to the company business. There was a business deal I had to deal with. The project was huge and needed my full attention but thankfully I had managed to resolve it now.

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