Protect Mate

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Dimitri point of view

THE NIGHT AIR WAS soothing and cool, as I laid my back on the glass window frame of my black Rolls Royce, underneath the moonlight.

I let out a silencing hiss at the creatures of the night that chirped all around the dark forest. Poor things fell silent, even they feared me. Chugging hard on my bottle, loving the burning sensation it left on my throat. I had already emptied an entire bottle of Bourbon and I was on my way to ending the second one. But sadly one of the perks of being an immortal lycan werewolf was that I couldn't get drunk no matter how hard I tried. Goddess only knew how bad I wanted to be drunk right now. I stared at the gigantic moon that hung above me, as it radiated with raw energy and power that could be felt by all werewolves. The moon goddess must probably be having a good laugh right now at my pathetic situation, just today she had made sure I and my so-called human mate crossed paths. Couldn't she for once stay out of this. Why does she always have to meddle in our affairs?

Why?! Why did she have to show up... now? Her appearance only spelt danger to the pack according to Celeste prophecies and that old witch could be a dozen things but being wrong was never one of them.

Countless times I had hoped her premonitions were put to shame but each time they were proved right, that's the reason why for centuries our pack leaders always thought it wise to listen to her warnings, but it was never a habit of mine to be told what to do.

Although I couldn't have a mate who would be the undoing of my pack which my predecessors had tried to keep strong despite the curse that keeps dwindling our numbers every passing full moon. If there was any possibility that my mate could be of any danger to the pack I might as well have to reject her for the survival of the pack. Moreover, there are hundreds and thousands of wolves all over the globe dying just for the opportunity to be addressed as my mate and Luna of all wolves.

I could feel Luca whimper sadly, I could feel his sadness from within. Whatever the case may be, he still wanted her, irrespective of who or whatever doom she represented. He needed her still. It was an insatiable craving that even I couldn't explain.

I was about to gulp down the last dose of my Bourbon but I stopped. I had too. I caught a scent that put my entire senses in overdrive. I could feel Her around again. My heart began to pound with lightning fury. This was a strange effect I noticed she had on me.

'Mate!' Luca growled in excitement 'she's close'.

I could hear her little heart from a far distance, beating faintly within her chest. I could smell the most alluring scent of lilacs and vanilla mixed together from near the outskirts of the forest, pulling me to her like a moth to a flame.

"What the hell is she doing here in this woods? She shouldn't be here." I jumped down smashing the almost dried up bottle of Bourbon on the hard ground. This forest wasn't safe at day but even more at night, no one could tell what creature you would find but whatever creature you would meet won't come with a smile while baring gifts and presents that I could assure you for sure.

I heard a loud and threatening growl emanate from the forest, shaking the earth. It was coming from the same direction I felt my mate.

'Mate- she is hurting. We need to find her. We need to protect mate,' Luca told me and I couldn't agree less with that. No one dares to harm what belongs to me. No one, not even the devil himself would dare to do that. She was mine and mine alone.

In a fluid and incredibly fast motion, I roamed through the forest like a bullet in the night, following the beat of her heart which seemed to dwindle with each passing second, urging me to move faster. She felt weak, so very weak.

BLOOD MOON: The Lycan Alpha's Little Witch Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora