Chapter 9 - Bark bark awoo

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As expected, Jinwoo ends the bear in one punch.

"Retract" You retract the wall and you rush up to Jinwoo. "That was so cool Jinwoo-ah!"

Jinwoo's cheeks flush slightly. He still wasn't used to you praising him.

"Is this dinner?"

"Sure," Jinwoo reaches for wood, and you snap your fingers.

"Assemble" you call at the wood on the floor and it makes a small campfire. "Ignite"

"Ok that's straight up cheating." Jinwoo stares at the burning flame.

"You're just jealous you can't cheat the system like that" You grin. "Can I roast this?"

"You'll start a forest fire," Jinwoo warns.

"Oh right." You stare at the bear on the floor, and you pull out a sword. After skinning it, the meat underneath lays bare.

"How strong?"

"Controlled." Jinwoo summons more wood for the fire.

"Ignite-R" You place your hands out, and you feel like an anime character. A flame erupts from your hand and cooks the meat until medium rare. "Holy shit... that looks good."

"I... that's still cheating," Jinwoo grumbles.

"Calm down," you hand each person a bone, and you all dig in.

"It's a bit tough..."

"Yeah bears are more muscle than fat," You grumble. "Where are you headed?"

"Training." Jinwoo stares at you.

"WAIT SHIT I HAVE TO TRAIN AS WELL-" You finish the food, and you check the time remaining.

"I have... half an hour..." You feel your soul leaving your body.

"Good luck," Jinwoo mumbles. "I'll race you?"

"Give me a second."

You draw a circle around the group, and call out a command. "Third person cage"

"There." You grin. "They'll be safe for now."

"Race you?"

"Race you."

The two of you race through the quest, and in no time, both of you are finished.

"Ah... Ice bears..." You stare at the bears. "You want them?"

"My levels... I think I caught up?"

"Nope I hit 69," You stare at your stats. "Have all of them."

Level 69? Out in the snow with Jinwoo? Suddenly I'm c o l d wanna help me warm up-

You're disgusting

Better than you and your obsession with your so called 'Ashy'

Oi I have my reasons. Mans could throw me against a wall and kill me and I'd let him

At least we're on the same wavelength with that one

Igris beheads the last ice bear and you watch Jinwoo get new soldiers.

"ooh, what's his name?"

"Haven't decided yet"

"Can I ride him?"


I'd like to ride you-

You hop onto the bear and once Jinwoo gets on, Tank speeds through the forest.

"wOOOOAAAAAAA!!" You cheered as you sped through the forest.

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