Chapter 19 - The Stadium

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"YOOOO THAT'S HOT!!" You gasp as you rush into the stadium. "There's so many S-ranks!"

Looking around, you spot someone familiar.


You hug Haein and she smiles.

"It's lovely seeing you Hunter Y/n"

"Drop the hunter before my name we're besties," You grumble.

Oh god she was still so damn hot wtf-

The Jeju island raid is coming up in a couple days. The hunters were training.

You let go of the woman and stare at the other hunters in the area.

"Are we warming up? Or are we fighting- JINWOO!" You gasp and you scale the wall before tackling the man.

Jinwoo stumbles slightly.


"I thought you told me that you weren't participating in the raid?" You stare at him.

"I'm not."

"Then are you here to check everyone out? Some perv you are-"

Jinwoo places his hand over your mouth and you lick it.

t a s t y

"I'm not you Y/n," Jinwoo rolls his eyes playfully. "I came to check everyone out."


"I worded that wrong," Jinwoo cuts you off. "I'm here to see all the S-ranks from Japan."

You grin. "I'm heading back down then. Feel free to join~." 

"Aura" you mumble. If they felt your power, you might actually end up suffocating some people despite it not having a smell.

[Player two has reduced aura]

You stroll in, and you sigh as you watch the two A-ranks start trouble.

"Both of you shut up before someone dies during training," You grumble.

"Are you afraid that we'll beat you guys?" it's the translator.

"You know what," You grin at her, your smile widening. "Sure."

Korea wins.

"DAMN STRAIGHT!" You cheer.

Goto Ryuji offers everyone a small training game. Grab your opponent's wrist, and you'll win. Four on four.


You turn to stare at the other team.

"Keep me out of this," You hold your hands up. "I don't want to."

"Are you afraid that you'll drag them back?"

You turn to the man with a terrifying smirk on your face. "If I joined, I would end up killing you all out of instinct~!"

They fight, and other than Haein throwing fourteen punches within a second, you don't take any photos for memo. Two Korean S-ranks lose quickly, and Baek Yoonho and Cha Haein are still remaining. Then Haein throws fourteen punches, and it triggers her opponent.

The bloodlust coming from his body is a warning.

"Aura" your voice drops, and you appear next to Haein.

[Player one has released aura]

The air around you all visibly chills, and Jinwoo even shudders slightly. The ground around you glows yellow, and it seems a storm's approaching. You snap the man onto the ground before he can touch her, and you wait until the aura cleanses his bloodlust.

You watch as his eyes revert to normal, and you wait for him to start shaking. He shakes, slowly at first, and once he starts shaking like the others, you get off of him.


[Player two has retracted aura]

"I think it'd be best for us to declare this as a loss," You speak up.

I'm stealing Jinwoo's lines fuck him <33

As you should

"I see," Haein nods.

"Hunter Baek seems to have caught on as well," Jinwoo hands you a potion, and you down it.

"You really pop up without second thought huh?"

Now that your aura was erased completely, they feel a completely different one. Jinwoo. His body is flowing with overwhelming power.

"Goto Ryuji has a request," You turn to the translator.

"Of me?"

"Both of you. One on one."

"Ah he wants to fight us one by one?" You turn to her. "Oh I don't need a translator. I picked up Japanese out of spite."

"He wishes to have a battle one on one against you."

"No thanks," You shrug.

Jinwoo accepts though. You prepare your stats. They would start trying to kill each other in a bit.

Sure enough, Jinwoo's taunts get to Goto, and they start fighting for real. At first it's only Goto, but then Jinwoo grabs his hand instead of his wrist, and then you know you have to step in before they actually kill each other.

"Out of the way," You slam both men onto the ground, and you call the commands. "Paralysis. Brutalize Aura"

[Player two has brutalized aura]

Instantly, both men stay in the ground without a fight. Both of them being unable to continue, you stand in front of them. The aura from your body causes Jinwoo unable to move. He's never been this scared of you.

The other hunters also drop to their knees, and you find that the amount of power to nullify Jinwoo was insane. Goto would've been nulled with your elevated aura, not your brutalized one. Jinwoo needed to be nullified before he killed someone

"Let's end today's practice" You speak, your voice icy.

"A-ah yes!" The translator agrees.


[Player two has calmed aura]

Your aura returns to its resting state, and you pull both men out of the ground. "Do we have a healer? Both of their faces are a little bloody."

The healer rushes over, and she heals them both. You hand her the money with a smile.

"Thank you," You hum. "My apologies for today. But it was a beautiful battle to watch."

Perhaps you would be the only one to find fighting beautiful.

As everyone leaves the training center, you head home with Jinwoo.

"Sung Jinwoo." Your voice is stern.

Jinwoo doesn't show it, but he's quite nervous. You haven't called him by his first name in a good while.

"Don't jump head first and taunt your enemy anymore. Showing an overwhelming difference in power is enough," You speak up, your voice remains hard despite the urge to kiss him.

"I'm sorry..."

"But I'm not going to complain about you putting him in his place," You grin. "I don't want you dead."

"I..." Jinwoo feels relieved. "I promise."

He didn't know, but that was a lie.

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