Chapter 10 :- Rules

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Ariel's P.O.V.

This is very intense, very awkward, very glaring dinner. I mean this is just- Sorry, I am loss of words.

Our twins are almost look like my bubby. I mean anyone could tell Ryan and these 2 boys are siblings. They are looking so similar. These three have same height too.

I look up only to see glaring from two people sitting infront of me. I immediately looked down. Actually not two, it's from three people. But that man is glaring at me in weird way, while other two boys are glaring at me which runs shivers down my spines. Not only at me, they are glaring Bubby too. But it doesn't look like he is affected from that glaring. He is glaring back to three of them. Intense Cold glare.

Mr. Moretti fake coughed, probably to break this tension. I kept my hand on Ryan's thighs in order to calm him down. It worked. He calm down and keep his hand on my hand.

"It's better if you all introduce to each other" Mr. Moretti said.

"Arjun and Aarav introduce yourself" Mrs.Moretti said sternly.

They rolled their eyes.

Rii smirked.

"I am Arjun Moretti." Arjun said coldly glaring at us.

"And I am Aarav Moretti" Aarav said same like his brother.

"Now you introduce yourself" Mr.Moretti said softly.

"Heloo, My name is Ariel Wilson. I am 15 Years old. I love everything. I love reading, talking, laughing, eating, sleeping-" I shut my mouth when I heard chuckle from Mary Aunty.

I realised what I did just now. I just start ranting infront of everyone.

Oh No ! Oh God why I have to embarrass myself infront of everyone.

I just want this Earth to swallow me.

I felt heat rush to my cheeks when I saw Arjun, Aarav and Ryan watching me with amusement in their eyes. They have stone cold face. But I know bubby is mentally laughing at me. While, I am hundred percent sure, I saw amusement instead of glare in Arjun's and Aarav's eyes. It remains only for seconds but I noticed it. And about others, I don't even have a courage to look at them after such a embarrassment. So I don't know their expression.

"U-Umm, S-sorry" I said lowly and slowly.

Mr. Moretti cleared his throat.

"What about you Aryan. Tell us something about yourself, Son" Mr.Moretti asked softly.

"I am Aryan" Bubby said coldly.

I just sighed. I know he didn't have trust on any of them. I mean, Ryan faces lots of hardships in past. Of course he have a trust issues. That's why he is cold to everyone except me. I just keep my hand on his hand and draw circles with my thumb. He instantly calm down.

"Well, I know you don't have anything to say or ask, but I have something to tell to both of you." Mr.Moretti said.

I nodded while bubby still watch him bored and emotionlessly.

"First , Your surname from now on will be Moretti, not wilson" He said.

I again nodded.

"You both have to follow some Rules" He said "Rules are for all 4 of you. Arjun, Aarav knows about that. So I am telling you rules"

They both just rolled their eyes.

"First, I want you both to be disciplined and mannered.

Second, I want full results in your studies.

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