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*Rose storms off from Max and Dean leaving them both in shock and raged through the house pushing herself through people until she's in the back garden. She then starts her search for Harvey. She sees him with his head in his hands sat alone on a bench in the corner. She walks over to him and sits next to him not saying a word. They sit in silence for 10 minuets and then Harvey finally lifts his head up and speaks*
Harvey- what are you doing here? *he says sounding defeated. While showing off a black eye that Max gave him* you're supposed to be enjoying yourself
Rose- and so should you instead of picking up the pieces that Max has left behind and protecting him all the time. And look at what he's done to you *she says reaching out and touching his eyes gently*
Harvey- don't worry about me *he says touching her hand that was on his face*
Rose- I've already told Max if he carries on with this or goes back to his old life or keeps hurting you or goes back inside then the relationship is done. And I will never speak to him ever again. All you're trying to do is protect him and keep him out of trouble and he repays you by doing this. For now we're still together I'm just not gonna be speaking to him for a few days. I caught him fighting with Dean I had to split them up. I told Dean about himself too and he was lost for words so I don't think he's going to be bothering me or the group again. I know that he gave you the black eye when you were trying to stop them fighting he told me
Harvey- that's one thing about Max he has always been honest. *he flinches in pain as Rose moves her finger across his eye*
Rose- I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. Let's get you back home I will take care of your eye I will text the girls and tell them where we're going and I will tell them to tell Max not to follow as I don't want to speak to him right now.
Harvey- did you do first aid training or something? You seem to know a lot about patching people up
Rose- no I just know how to do this because of the amount of fights I've been in. I haven't always come out of them unscathed I've had my fare share of injuries from people *she giggles* let's go get your eye sorted *Harvey nods and they get up and walk through the house. Rose messaged the girls and before they knew it they were back at the Mills*
Harvey- mum it's me *he calls quietly*
Sara- *calls from the living room* back so early? I thought you'd be out a little later hunny *she says emerging in the door way her face dropping as soon as she sees Harvey's eye* what on earth happened?
Harvey- Max happened. He got into a fight I tried to split it up and he ended up punching me. You know, the usual *he shrugs* Rose is here to help me with the swelling and she's also not speaking to Max because after I left them too it she also had to split them up.
Sara- hi Rose sweetie. Will you be staying the night? It's getting late now and I know you only live a few doors down but I don't want you going home alone in the dark
Rose- yeah I'd like that thank you. Hopefully I will be able to speak to Max when he gets back. If he's not too drunk
Sara- Max isn't the type of boy to get drunk he's the type of boy to get high out of his mind
Harvey- anywayyy. I have a first aid kit in my room, let's go and relax until Max gets back
*Rose and him walk upstairs and she takes care of his eye and they put a movie on and Rose shortly after falls asleep. Harvey sits on the floor so that his fidgeting doesn't wake her and he slowly drifts off to sleep himself. They are awoken about an hour later to arguing and sounds of smashing glass downstairs. Harvey's door was open which it wasn't before and then they put 2 and 2 together. Max had come in the room seen Rose asleep on Harvey's bed and then seen Harvey who had moved from the floor to the bottom of the bed and assumed the worst. (Harvey moved so that he could sleep he slept at the bottom so he wasn't too close to Rose because he still respected that she was his brothers girlfriend but Max didn't see it that way) he then must have gone downstairs and started arguing with his mum about her letting them both in Harvey's room. Both teenagers bolted upright looked at each other then shot out of the room and ran as fast as they could downstairs to see a very drunk Max and a very scare Sara arguing in the kitchen*
Sara- Max will you stop this?! Your little sister is asleep upstairs and you're scaring me! You're drunk! Harvey and Rose were not sleeping together! You should know Harvey respects you more than that and so does she! She was taking care of his eye which you did by the way! And then they were waiting for you to come home because Rose is spending the night here! They must have just fallen asleep! Besides you said yourself that he was laid at the bottom of the bed which means he was nowhere near her!
Max- *in his drunken state* but they could have done anything before that! Why are you such a shit mother?! If you cared at all about me then you wouldn't let them go into his room alone! You would have made them stay downstairs!
Rose- Max! What the fuck?! Never ever speak to your mum like that! Have some fucking respect! I was cleaning your fucking mess up! Then I happened to fall asleep! It's late! I was waiting for you to come home in hopes to talk to you and sort things out with you! And now you're accusing Harvey and I of sleeping together and blaming your mum for it?! We didn't sleep together! We didn't do anything! I took care of his eye we put a movie on and fell asleep that's all! Jesus Max I've never seen you like this! You're pissed off of your tits and you're making imaginary scenarios up in your head! I don't know what's more aggravating the fact that you think Harvey and I are low enough to sleep together and cheat on you or the fact that your little sister is in bed and you're shouting like this probably terrifying her and you're scaring your mum?! Honestly you're something else! And there's me thinking that you've changed! Yes I will be sleeping in Harvey's room tonight I'm not sharing a room with you I don't wanna get yelled at! Now I suggest you pack it up and go and sleep it off! Don't expect me to talk to you tomorrow or for anyone to talk to you for that matter!
*he just looks at her with tears in his eyes as he has never heard her speak like that to him before and walks away storms up the stairs and slams his door shut like a spoilt child*
Sara- thank you Rose *she says visibly shaken with tears in her eyes Harvey walks over to her and puts his arms around her and leads her to the sofa and sits down with her along with rose*
Rose- hey don't worry about it *she says putting her hand on Sara's* it had to be said and it just so happened to come from me and I mean it non of us can speak to him tomorrow. Tell Paul when he gets back and Tilly when she wakes up in the morning. If you need anything at all then wake me or Harvey up or both of us. You should get some sleep. *they walk her to her room and then head into Harvey's room*
Harvey- you really showed some balls there. If I'd have said that he would have given me a matching set of eyes *he says pointing to his black eye*
Rose- then I would of had to jump in wouldn't I? You're forgetting I don't just fight with girls *she chuckles*
Harvey- so how are we doing this? Am I sleeping on the floor and you in the bed?
Rose- I'm sure we can trust ourselves enough to sleep in the same bed Harv we aren't gonna do anything we both don't have it in us to cheat and hurt Max
Harvey- okay well I'm gonna get you some makeup remover a t-shirt and some joggers for you to change into so you're comfortable when you sleep *he walks to his wardrobe and gets the clothes out then walks to his mums room gets makeup remover and brings it into the room* you can get changed in here or in the bathroom I'll show you where it is if you like?
Rose- no it's okay just turn and face the wall I don't have the energy to walk to the bathroom because knowing Max he will try speak to me *she gets changed and takes her makeup off and they both get into his bed*
Harvey- night Rose
Rose- night Harvey
*he switches the light off and they both fall asleep pretty quickly*

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