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*a few hours later*
Guard- lunchtime! Everyone leave what you're doing you'll come back to it in an hour!
Harvey- finally. I'm starving. *he says while dropping what he's doing quite literally and following the guard
Max- you not coming Rose?
Rose- uh I'm just gonna stay here a while I'll join you in a bit
Jared- do you want us to sneak something out for you?
Rose- now what makes you think that I won't make it back in time for lunch?
Jared- because I know you Rose and when you get to doing something you loose all track of time
Rose- yes that would be much appreciated Jared
Grace- urgh leave the bitch to starve
Olivia- Grace you can't say that
Grace- don't you tell me what I can and can't say
Rose- how bout you stop trying to rule Olivia's life?
Grace- shut it you. This hasn't got anything to do with you
Rose- oh but sweetie it has
Olivia- Grace I'm staying here for lunch Jared said that he would also bring something back for me
Grace- no you're coming with me
Olivia- no Grace I'm not *she slightly laughs while saying it*
Grace- fine suite yourself I'll just have the boys all to myself then *she scoffs*
Jared- Grace you're not sitting with us without Olivia she's welcome you're not. You're gonna have to find someone else to sit with today.
Grace- you bitch you're turning everyone against me *she hisses in Rose's face*
Harvey- actually non of us liked you in the first place but yet here you are
Grace- you're just saying that because Max and I are on the outs
Max- let me put this straight for you. WE WERE NEVER TOGETHER!
Guard- Mills stop shouting or you will have all privileges taken away from you for tomorrow now hurry if these girls want to stay here then they can we still do rounds during lunchtime!
*they leave and Olivia and Rose are left with each other*
*10 minutes of comfortable silence later*
Rose- hey I'm proud of you for standing up to Grace like that
Olivia- thank you but now I'm gonna have no friends
Rose- I'm your friend, Jared is your friend and so is everyone else on that table and who works in here. You proved that you weren't like Grace when you stood up to her when I battered her and again today, you're giving them more of a reason to like you than hate you and anyway people like us... we need to stick together. *she smiles*
Olivia- everyone that works in here are the doubted. Max and Harvey for instance no one thinks they're good at anything because of what they did to get in here. Me and you we have ADHD and we've done bad things to get in here. Grace just followed my lead. Jared he's a computer genius and hacked into the banks online systems and cleared all their money out but they caught him before he spent it so he had to give it back and do time in here for hacking.
Rose- wait what did you do to land yourself in here?
Olivia- one day me and my friends were all hanging around a body of water and I hadn't had my medication in months because my parents were always late in ordering it and one of the girls kept pushing me to jump in the water and I didn't want to do I completely lost it with her I- I almost killed her if it wasn't for my older sister walking passed I would have she ripped me off of her and then took me home and before I knew it I was being carted off here my sentence is 5 years I've been in here 3 I've got this year and next year then I'm free to go
Rose- that's why you're so quiet now because you don't want that to happen again
Olivia- you have no idea how much I wanted to batter Grace myself that day but I was so scared that it would happen again I just froze and sat there and let you take care of it. Me getting angry is never good Rose.
Rose- I wasn't at full anger when I was battering Grace that day that's was only a snippet of it when I've got to full anger I have broken bones and hospitalised people. But I never got into trouble for it because they were all too scared to tell the police. A lot of people were and are scared of me. Life outside of here when I go home will never be the same because all of those people will still be scared of me. We have to move out of our family home because of me. We've been there all my life and my brothers. And now... well my mum is moving my brother and I to this place called Yatley and I have to attend the college there. That's how bad things got. I'm never gonna see any of my friends that I actually managed to make every again. My grandparents are too scared to see me because they're afraid that I will blow up and get angry and hurt them. I've never hurt my family and I don't intend to. At the end of the day family is all you will have when everything goes tits up.
Olivia- to say we're delinquents you're a very wise girl Rose *she laughs*
Rose- yes well hush this stays between us I can't have everyone else knowing that I'm smart I have an image to keep up *she jokes*
Guard- alright you horrible lot get back to work!
Max- you guys have a nice chat?
Rose- yeah we did actually
Grace- come on Olivia we have things to be doing
Olivia- I'm staying with Rose and the boys you go and do what you need to do by yourself
*Grace opens her mouth to say something when Jared interrupts*
Jared- leave Olivia alone now and find some new friends to boss around. Olivia is with us we've all been taking while you were off sulking to the councillor about us not letting you sit with us. And we have decided that Olivia is nothing like you and she's our friend. You on the other hand need to stop trying. Max never has and never will be in a relationship with you so get that out of your head and we never have or never will be your friends. Now go sulk somewhere else.
*Grace says nothing and storms off*
Rose- ooo that was harsh.... I like it. Let's hope she gets her job changed
Max- you're mean and I like it
Rose- Mills if I didn't know any better I'd say you were flirting with me *she jokes*
Guard- get to work!

Delinquent (A Max and Harvey Fanfic) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora