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*the weekend visitations*
Mum- so you've been good then?
Rose- yeah well trying my best
Mum- I watched the video of you and that girl fighting and I can conclude that it is not your fault but don't let anything like that happen again please
Rose- I'm sorry mum
Mum- no I told you to stick up for yourself if anyone ever hit you first. By the reports I've been given you have really turned yourself around but you still have a long time left to go. Let's hope you can keep it up yeah? I'm proud of you
Kai- I have to say sis that you really did own her in that fight though
Rose- thanks put if it wasn't for Max and Harvey and Jared I would have done a lot worse to her
Kai- Max and Harvey Mills?
Rose- yeah how'd you know?
Kai- Rose you need to stay away from them. You don't know what kind of shit they got into before this place. They're bad people. Really bad people.
Rose- and how do you know this? Through rumours like most people in this place? Because all they have done is cared about me and looked after me and made sure that I'm not on my own in this place.
Kai- no I know about them because I'm friends with one of the guys that was in their gang and I was out with them most of the time when they were doing their bad shit. I don't know how they never got caught but all their shit has clearly caught up to them now. How long have they been in here?
Rose- like three years this one is their last. What kind of shit did they do? Because they aren't telling anyone even I don't know
Kai- they're drug dealers who got out of hand, they started pulling up to peoples houses who owed them money and smashing their property up and holding them at knife point to take anything that was worth the debt that they owed to pay it off. I was there once, they had no remorse their eyes cold and face expressionless. I don't want you hanging around with them.
Rose- well unfortunately you're not in the position to tell me what I can and can't do, I'm the one in here not you. I need all the people I can get right now and they just happen to be there. Maybe they have changed you wouldn't know because you haven't seen them in years Kai.
Kai- if you carry on hanging around with them then I will not come and visit you
Rose- well I guess that's that then. I'll see you in a years time when I'm home. *she says while getting up kissing her mums cheek goodbye and leaving the visitation room in tears*
Harvey- hey how'd it go? Oh no what happened?
Rose- you and Max happened harvey
Harvey- what do you mean?
Rose- my brother is Kai McGuire that's why my last name rung a bell. All I had to do was mention yours and Max's names and he told me everything. All about the drug dealing and the robbing people at knife point. All about the lack of remorse in both of your eyes when you did it and the cold facial expressions. He was there. And now because I won't drop you guys as friends he won't come and see me until I get out and then who's to say that he'll speak to me again. I believe that you have changed but he doesn't and because I believe he's disowned me so is it true. All I ask is for the truth Harvey.
Harvey- yes. It's all true. We got into some really bad shit and then it all got out of hand. Your brother. He wanted to know what it was like and that's why he was there that night. We were cold remorseless cruel people and we didn't care about anyone other than ourselves and money. But Rose this isn't an act, we've been in here three years. This will be our fourth. We've changed we care now, if we didn't I wouldn't be here right now and we wouldn't have been there all the other times. We're not the same people that we were before I promise.
Rose- you better keep that promise because if you don't I swear I will never speak to you again. I love my brother more than life itself and if I've done this for you to just break it then it will have all been for nothing *she says while walking into her room and slamming her door behind her*
Max- what's wrong with McGuire? *he says reaching Harvey just as Rose slammed her door*
Harvey- she knows about what we did to end up here
Max- what?! How?!
Harvey- her brother is Kai McGuire
Max- I knew her last name was familiar
Harvey- he's disowned her because she believes in us
Max- she what? No one ever done that before
Harvey- well she does but we have to keep the promise that her brother disowning her wasn't for nothing we have to prove to her that we're worth believing in.
Max- that's easy we just keep going on like we're going. Look mate I knew she was intriguing for something and I was right wasn't I? She's the link that we have to being good people. We just have to prove to her that she was right.
Harvey- let's give her some breathing space I hope she doesn't tell anyone we've managed to keep this quiet for years.
*they walk away*

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