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*with Max and Harvey in the centre because no one is there as it is their day off*
Harvey- you're catching feelings for her aren't you?
Max- what? Harvey what do you mean?
Harvey- you said that you haven't felt like this in almost 4 years. The exact time when you and Maisie broke up before you came in here because you knew you wouldn't be seeing her for a long time and you wanted her to be happy and move on
Max- how do you even remember all of this? And Rose is different. Rose isn't like Maisie
Harvey- I remember all of this because you loved Maisie. For fuck sake Max she is the only person other than me or Tills that you actually cared about when we were into that bad shit and you would do anything for her. It broke you when you guys ended you felt angry and heartbroken all at the same time. Except this isn't heartbreak this is an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness and love the feelings that you felt when you and Maisie were together
Max- but it's not like Maisie Harvey! What I feel now is exactly how I felt with Maisie but on steroids! It's 100 times stronger! And I'm scared!
Harvey- *face drops in sudden realisation that his brother is in love* what are you scared of Max?
Max- I'm scared of her feeling the same way as me in here but then when we get out her feelings go to shit and she breaks up with me, I'm scared that I won't be the same when we get out of here and I'll end up hurting her, I'm scared that if someone or something from the past comes up again and Rose is in firing line then she's gonna end up in hospital or worse. Besides she's in this place 2 months longer than us so when we get out she's still gonna be in here and god knows how much that's going to change things.
Harvey- there's such things as visits Max just don't land yourself back in here to be with her because she won't want that. And if any of those obstacles come into play we will work through them together when and if the time comes. Rose isn't like Maisie like you said everything is going to be different with her. And we are never going back to that life again ever and I won't let you slip back into it either or I will personally make you life a living hell and I mean that Max. And you never know if Rose behaves she might get out earlier so she'll be getting out with us because she can use what the guard did to her as a guilt trip to get let out on her release date but she might wanna stay in here and serve her time to prove something to her mum and brother it's all up to her but I can assure you that Rose does like you it's more than obvious. Now let's go and find the others and maybe try and calm down a little bit Rose is a very smart girl she will click on straight away.
*Max just smiles and follows his brother knowing that Harvey generally believes everything will be fine and he trusts his brother so he believes that it will be fine too*
Mini- hey where'd you guys go?
Max- we just had some family stuff to talk about that's all it's fine now *he sighs and smiles*
Mini- oh okay well I'm glad you guys are okay now *she smiles*
Harvey- hey where's Rose?
Jared- she said that she was going for a walk around to courtyard and that she'd be back in 20 minutes it's been like half an hour we were just about to go looking for her when you guys showed up she seemed stressed and said she didn't wanna end up fighting anybody
Olivia- I was gonna follow her but she insisted I stay here and I'm not about to argue with her especially when she's stressed I do not want to end up like Grace because that wasn't pretty
Harvey- okay one of us needs to go and find her and see if she's okay. Mini? Wanna do the honours? You're the first person she met in here she trusts you more than any of us
Mini- actually Harvey I think it's a better idea if Max goes
Max- me? What? Why?
Olivia- because you and her have gotten really close recently and it is so obvious that you guys have huge crushes on each other so maybe it might do her good to talk to you instead of one of us
Max- is it that obvious?
Jared- well you're not denying it so yes it is obvious *he chuckles*
Harvey- go on Max and bring her back safe preferably with no one else's limbs missing *he laughs*
Max- I'll try my best
*Max walks away to find Rose*

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