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*the next morning. Rose and Harvey wake up to a huge crashing sound from downstairs they both shoot up from dead sleep don't even bother looking at each other and run downstairs like their life's depended on it*
Harvey- mum?! Tilly?! Max?!
*no answer*
Rose- anyone?!
*still no answer*
Harvey- right mum has probably taken Tilly to school and Max is still asleep because his door is still closed when he's awake he leaves it open *he whispers* mum would shout back. So there's someone in the house. You stay here while I go check it out
Rose- what?! No! Are you crazy?! The person who says that always dies in horror films so we're going together don't even try and argue with me about it! *she whisper shouts*
Harvey- fine *he whispers knowing that he's been defeated in this argument*
*they both walked around the corner and into the kitchen and crouched down behind the work surface by the oven and everything. That's when they hear it. Loud footsteps walking past the counter. Harvey shoves his finger over his lips to tell Rose to not make a sound. They then hear another think smash in the hallway which meant whoever it was, was making their way to the other side of the house. They walked through the living room flipping stuff over. They found out soon enough that it was a man that had broken in and he was insane he started shouting things that didn't make any sense and they were getting louder and louder as he was nearing the stairs. He started walking up the stairs and that's when both teens eyes widened*
Both- Max! *they whisper shout in unison as they come to the realisation that he's still upstairs and they don't know what this guy is capable of*
Harvey- right do you have your phone?
Rose- what? Yeah why?
Harvey- text Max to jump out of his bedroom window because there's someone in the house he's got a shed underneath it and a trampoline he will be fine. If this guy gets him though he won't be fine. *he says with a concerned expression on his face*
*Rose pulls out her phone from the joggers that Harvey let her borrow and shakily messages Max. He messaged back literally a few seconds later. "Yeah I know there's someone in the house I went out to check and saw a glimpse of a man walk into mum and dads room I crept to Harvey's room and you guys were gone. I'm now putting shoes on and I'm gonna jump out of the window I will meet you outside in the back garden and then we will figure out what to do from there. Be safe both of you :) x*
*after about 10 seconds of them both reading that message they hear Max jump out of his window and land on the shed. It wasn't loud enough for the intruder to hear it, it was only loud enough for them to hear it. Max got down and stood in front of the glass patio doors to see Harvey and Rose crawling out from behind the work surface. They made a break for the garden and safely got out running into the summer house to hide*
Max- are you both okay?
Rose- you weren't asking that last night
Max- huh? What do you mean?
*both Harvey and Rose explain in a rush what happened the night before and Max's face dropped*
Max- I don't remember any of that, I'm sorry for hitting you Harv and I'm sorry for accusing you both of cheating. I didn't even drink that much after you left you can ask any of our friends. Someone must have spiked my drink because I never act like that when I'm drunk *he says with an actual confused and apologetic look on his face*
Harvey- he's telling the truth Rose
Rose- how do you know?
Harvey- because I know my brother and when he has that look on his face he is telling the truth and he told you to ask people which he never does and he never apologises
Rose- okay Max. But what about the fight with Dean and giving Harvey a black eye?
Max- the only reason why I had a fight with him was because he started saying things about you but you didn't give me a chance to explain. I don't blame you though you had just split me up fighting with someone. I was defending you when you weren't there that's what good boyfriends are supposed to do. I'm not going back to that life Rose. I can't loose you or my family and I can't go back to that place again or actual prison *he says while looking down at the floor of which they are all sat on*
Rose- *shuffles next to him and lays her head on his shoulder without saying a word she just sits there. That's when she realises there's still a guy inside the house and someone needed to message Sara to come to the summer house instead of go inside the house she whips her phone out and messages Sara who messages back straight away agreeing with what she was saying* I've told your mum to come straight to the summer house instead of going into the house because you know there's still a guy in the house
Max- how long did she say she would be?
Rose- like half an hour
Harvey- let's just hope that the guy doesn't come and find us within that time
Rose- no he will be too busy searching the house now that he knows no one is in there I've told your mum to park her car down the road and and sneak around the back of the house avoiding as many windows as possible
Max- Rose? Have you been through this before?
Rose- yeah... like I said my brother hasn't ever been perfect he's just never been caught. When people used to break into the house me and mum had to do all sorts so that we didn't get caught by whoever it was. He messed with some very very bad people
Harvey- and he was saying shit about us being bad people?! When he nearly got his sister and mother killed by people that he messed with and shouldn't have?! *he whisper shouts*
Rose- which is exactly why my mum told him about himself that night at the hospital but she didn't want anyone knowing that but now you know
*as soon as she finished that sentence the door opened*

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