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*a few hours later*
Guard- okay guys you have a break us it wisely
Rose- thanks we will
Leo- so what is it that I need to know about this place?
Harvey- Rose has already explained it all
Leo- yeah what is it with her? She's always so angry
Harvey- she has a good reason to be angry she's been through a lot of stuff
Max- *in the distance* hey McGuire come here! *he shouts while laughing*
Leo- her last names McGuire as in-
Harvey- Kai McGuire yes *he interrupts*
Leo- but you guys used to be friends with him so why's he disowning her for being friends with you guys?
Harvey- because he witnessed first hand what we did and he hasn't seen us since then so he doesn't know that we've changed
Leo- you like her more than friends don't you Harv?
Harvey- pfft what do you mean?
Leo- the only other person I've seen you look at like you look at her was Holly and I know how much you loved that girl
Harvey- yeah and then she cheated on me. Imagine cheating on one of the toughest gang leaders in Yatley and getting away with it
Leo- she only got away with it because you told everyone to leave off of her or she would have probably been dead in a ditch somewhere
Harvey- that's the point. Max and I did some fucked up shit but we never agreed with murder that's the lowest of the low and you do some serious time for that
Leo- I may only be 13 and your little brother Harv but I can tell when you're in love and this is it
Harvey- correction you're my delinquent little brother whom I'm still extremely pissed off at
Rose- *runs up to them* Harvey *she says while laughing* save me Max is trying to throw water on me *she says while running behind him and grabbing his arms and moving him in front of her so that Max wouldn't get her and also she was too small to reach his shoulders*
Harvey- *laughing* why are you guys having a water fight we have to go back to work
Max- oh well we can work in our gym uniform and say that some kids were having a water fight in the court yard and we got caught in the cross fire of it
Leo- smart
Olivia- they will ask why the rest of us aren't wet though
Mini- that can always be sorted *she says grabbing the water bottle and drenching everyone of them stood there*
Jared- hey guys w- *he gets cute off by mini squirting water at him* what was that for?! *he asks while taking his glasses off and wiping them*
Olivia- so that Max and Rose can get away with saying they got caught in the cross fire of a water fight and it's more believable because it's all of us. So that we can work in our gym uniform
Jared- oh right that explains it
Guard- okay everyone in and back to work!
*everyone files inside*

Delinquent (A Max and Harvey Fanfic) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang