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*The boys join the group and they sit at either side of Rose. Grace and Olivia give Rose the dirtiest look*
Grace- right so why are you down here Rose? What have you done? What's wrong with you?
Max- Grace that's rude
Grace- no Maxi I want to know
Rose- if you must know then they have put me down here because I have ADHD and anger problems and they're doing this in hopes for me to get on my energy out after I've taken my meds
Olivia- oh my god that's why I'm down here too
Grace- Olivia you don't have meds
Olivia- yeah I do I just ran out that's all
Rose- yeah it takes months sometimes for meds to come because they're in such high demand so you have to order them a week before you know that you're gonna run out. My mum made sure that I have enough for the whole time that I'm in here. So I know what you're feeling Olivia.
Olivia- thank you *she smiles* it's been a while since I've had someone to relate too
Grace- don't try and steal my bestie! Just because you have the same thing wrong with you doesn't mean that you can be friends! You're just in this group because for some messed up reason Max and Harvey want you here! Well they are our boyfriends so back off!
Rose- oh you really don't want to start anything with me Grace and stop telling Olivia who she can and can't be friends with. And Max and Harvey aren't your boyfriends! Jesus you have something wrong with you you're so deluded!
Olivia- she has a point Grace I only go along with the fact that Harvey is my boyfriend because you shout at me if I disagree with you and you do tell me who I can and can't be friends with and I'm getting annoyed with it
*Grace gets up and smacks Olivia across the face*
Grace- you do not speak to me like that
Rose- *stands up* or what? You're not her superior she doesn't have to listen to you *she stands in front of Olivia so that Grace can't hit her again.*
Grace- I suggest you move
Rose- or what? Are you going to hit me? *she mocks*
*Grace goes to hit Rose and that's it Rose snaps. She grabs her head and smashes it off of her knee and throws her on the floor and gets on top of her and starts picking her head up and smashing it off of the floor and punching her in the face and not stopping. Eventually the other boys pick Grace up after Max and Harvey pulled Rose off of her. A few seconds later the guards came running in and cuffed Rose and took sky to the medical room*
Jared- I've never seen a girl fight like that before
Milo- remind me never to get on the wrong side of her
Guard- alright boys and Olivia get back to work we will handle this from now!
*he says walking out with Rose in cuffs*
Harvey- I hope she doesn't get kicked out
Max- it's on camera that Grace hit Rose first so they will both get extended sentences or one of them will
Mini- *runs in* what happened? Where are they taking Rose?
Max- they will take her to a cell and let her cool down for an hour and then decide what to do with her
Mini- she can't get her time extended!
Max- why?
Mini- because if she gets her time extended then she gets shipped of to Newzeland to live with her dad when she gets out
Harvey- well she might not get her time extended by much because Grace hit her first
Mini- but who's the one that got taken to the medical room?
Max- Grace
Harvey- look Mini don't panic I'm sure everything will be okay but you need to go back to your job before you get yourself into trouble
*Mini complies and goes back to her job while all the boys and Olivia stress about Rose getting extended time*
*2 hours later*
Max- so what happened then? *he questions as Rose walks in the room for her final hour of work*
Rose- they added an extra 2 months on to my sentence
Harvey- Mini told us what your mum said to you if you got anymore time added onto your sentence
Rose- I got away with it this time because she hit me first I explained to my mum and told her the truth on the call and they're sending her the tape so that she knows what happened. So no I'm not getting shipped off when I get out of here. I just can't get into anymore fights or shit that gets my time extended.
Olivia- Rose?
Rose- yeah?
Olivia- thank you
Rose- don't worry about it. But now at least you know what to do if she starts again because I know what you're like you will go back to her because you're scared of having no friends and how she will ruin your life but I know you're great full
Olivia- you sound like you've been in my position before
Rose- that's because I have... a very long time ago
Olivia- who hurt you?
Rose- that doesn't matter just as long as you're okay that's all that matters at this moment in time
*olivia smiles and walks away*
Harvey- why did you do that?
Rose- do what?
Max- he means why did you stick up for a girl you barely even know and get your time extended for her
Rose- because I know that if I was in her position I would expect that to be done for me. It might look like I only think with my fists but before I hit her I thought about everything I could be loosing and I still did it
Max- you baffle me McGuire but that's what makes you so interesting. You put on this brave act but yet you care so much
Rose- well Mills if I stopped caring I would no longer be human you saw me over there what I did to her a human should never do to another human. Caring is what keeps me attached to my humanity but I have to trust you to care about you
Harvey- so you trust Olivia then?
Rose- not entirely but she's like me I have to put my faith in her and it paid off because she even said in her statement that Grace went for me first
Max- she did?
Rose- yeah she did
Guard- right you misfits get on with your work before I take privileges off of you!

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