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*first day of college*
Rose- mum I'm going to meet the group for the first day of college
Rose's mum- didn't they go to college before you?
Rose- no they decided that we would experience the first day together seen as we all came from the same place and are going to experience the same things happening to us because no doubt everyone had heard about what we have done by now
Rose's mum- they won't know about what you've done sweetie you're new around here aren't you afraid they will try and turn you against everyone?
Rose- me and the group have already talked about this and I know what I'm going to say if anyone tries and turns me against them. I will tell them I met them at the centre and what I did to land myself in there. I don't want them to think of me different to them. I'm a delinquent and to be honest I'm proud of it. I wouldn't be here now if I was who I was and I wouldn't have met these amazing people
Rose's mum- I'm so proud of the young lady you have become and you're not even 18 yet
Rose- I will be soon mum. Anyway I'm meeting them at the end of the road I will see you when I get home
Rose's mum- okay sweetie have fun and good luck and please don't get into any fights! *she calls as her daughter walks out of the front door*
*with her friends*
Rose- I think my mum thinks that I'm going to fall back into bad habits like you know fighting and hospitalising people and setting fires. And I'm scared that when people find out what I've done they might try and frame me for shit like they did at the last place
Max- it's okay relax you're not going to fall back into your old ways and no one will frame you for shit, you're a good person. Your past shaped you and this is who you are now. Besides this college is filled with cctv cameras they will know who did it straight away and it's monitored you will not be getting the blame for anything that you didn't do plus we won't let it happen
Rose- do you think people are still gonna be scared of you?
Harvey- hopefully not but at the same time yeah maybe we're changed people now but at the same time we still don't want people messing with you guys or us. So hopefully there's still a little fear there were not going back to that old shit though. It's gonna be weird seeing everyone from the gang though they all go to the college we go to. They are all going to have something to say
Mini- well they aren't roping you back into their shit and I don't care if I have to mother you myself I will make sure you don't. We all will
Others- yeah
Max- were willing to change and stay this way we don't wanna go back to that shit it was a very dark time for us we wanna be good people and have normal lives with normal relationships and normal friendships and not be defined by our past
Jared- and that's why our friendship is so unique because we know what each other have been like in the past but we also know the changed people and that's all that matters we don't judge so anyone could come up to us and we would be friendly
Olivia- we best go before we're late we're delinquents they will be really hard on us and try and get us at every chance they get to make us snap they will be testing us. We have to prove that we have changed but we also have to prove that the teachers shouldn't push us around until we break and snap at them because that's not fair we're human even though we might be criminals *no one says a word and they all walk to the college in a comfortable silence*

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