How are you?

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I was annoyed when I was continuously shook.

Damn it. Let me sleep.

I turn to the other side, irritated.

"I am going to thrash you if my sleepiness vanishes Sne."

I only hear a laugh, she now starts to  tickle me.

"What the fuck,woman?",I snap,getting up.

She winced," Stop swearing."

I roll my eyes, yawning,pulling the blanket upto my chin as I close my eyes again,"Why did you wake me up?"

"I was bored",she shrugged.

"You woke me up at",I glance at the clock,"6:40 in the morning because you were bored?"

"Yeah",she shrugged again ,as if it was a completely normal thing to do.

I give her a blistering glare,hoping she would turn into flames.

"Whatever",I rub my eyes, flinging the covers onto her face, satisfied when I heard a 'Heyyy!'

I walk into the kitchen, settling on the kitchen counter.

"You up already?"

"Yeah. Your elder daughter woke me up",I make a face.

My mother laughed,"Here. Go give tea to your dad,and put these in the fridge."

"Ma,why would you give me some work as soon as I enter the kitchen?",I grumble,balancing the tea and the tray of vegetables.

"Good morning Papa."

"Morning Sandy",my dad glanced up at me from the newspaper he was reading.

I drop myself next to him, flopping my legs on the tea table in front of the couch.

"You good?",my dad asked me when I leaned on his shoulder, hiding my face in his chest.

"Of course",I nod.

It was only when you are away that you can cherish the simplest of things. Just sitting next to my father quietly reminded me of how very alone I really was back in Mumbai,the calm and peace at home could compare to no other place or person.

"Okay", my father kissed my hair,going back to his newspaper.

"Go and freshen up. I'll serve breakfast",my mom enters the hall,as she hands me my coffee.

I ignore her,sipping my coffee,sighing in relief when my taste buds tingled at the familiar bitter taste.

"It's just coffee. Anyone who sees you will think it's alcohol or something",Sneha says.

"You can enjoy coffee too. Thank you."

She only laughs,shaking her head.

I am bored by the time it's 11'o clock,my family quietly watching news.

I hate watching news.

I yawn, stretching my arms behind my head, circling it around my mother's head in the process.

My mother jumps slightly,"Sandy",she scolds.

"What? I always do that."

"No. It's been a while. So I thought you got rid of the habit."

"Lol",I squeeze her in my arms.

"It's good to see things don't change as much even while you're away."

I pull away, looking at her oddly,"Why would you say that?"

My mother patted my cheek,"You don't visit home often. So every time you return,you return with new habits,and are devoid of a few old habits. So it's nice to see any glimpse of familiarity."

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