Are you jealous?

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"Stop staring at me like that."

The fools in front of me continue to grin like they're on crack.

I'm horrified when the things I call friends start to make embarrassing sounds.

"Stop it you guys",I hiss.

The noises only get louder as I look around, thankful that there's no one in vicinity.

"I'm going to leave if you continue to act like this."

"To make out with a certain someone?", Avyukth cackles.

I punch his shoulder,"Why did you tell him, Anshu?",I accuse my best friend.

My face is red when they make kissing faces.

"Get lost",I stand up,too conscious of me friends' teasing.

"Come on Sandy",I make an oof sound when Avyukth pulls me back by my bag, wincing when my butt makes contact with the hard stone bench.

"Stop overreacting",Anshu rolls her eyes.

I narrow my eyes at my best friend,"What?"

"It was just a kiss. People kiss all the time. It's not a big deal."

I lean towards Avyukth when he whispers something in Anshu's ear,"Don't underplay it so much too. Sandy will think it's just casual and happened in the nick of the moment."

I roll my eyes.

Anshu and Avyukth have gone crazy.

"So, Sandy?"

"Hmm",I hum, scrolling through instafeeds.

"You spoke to Nikhil after that right?"

"Hmm",I continue scrolling through the feeds,bored of talking about Nikhil 24*7.

"Didn't he try anything?"

I glare at Anshu,"What the heck?"

"I mean, it's been a few days since the... last time",my best friend shrinks into her boyfriend's arms as I glower at her,"Just wondering",she shrugs.

"It'd be weird if we kissed every day Anshu. And we're talking fine. It's been about a week-"

"You're counting days I see", Avyukth smirks.

"You will start counting your days if you continue speaking nonsense",I punch his shoulder.

"Why get violent?", Avyukth mumbles.

I roll my eyes, looking at my watch,"When are we leaving?"

"We're here", Anshu shrugs,"It's only your guy that's missing."

"Okay stop it. He's not my guy."

"Yet", Avyukth smirks,high-fiving his girlfriend.

I groan, looking towards the heaven when I receive a message.

I'm already outside the hospital. The four of us can meet there and go from there?

"We should go. Nikhil's waiting outside", Avyukth says.

"He texted you too?",I ask, bewildered.

I'm annoyed when Avyukth pinches my cheek, wrapping an arm around my shoulder,"Why? Are you jealous?"

I slap the back of his head,"No. Just surprised."

"Aww. It's okay. You can say it."

"You guys are ridiculous. Let's go."

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