You Want To Experiment

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"No",I clear my throat,"Just on time."

Nikhil nods, gesturing me to walk in front of him,"You wanted company to shop?"

I shrug,"Are you complaining?"

"I don't mind doing anything with you, Sandy."

I laugh nervously, tucking some hair behind my ear,"I was just kidding."

"I'm not",Nikhil shrugs, continuing to walk forward.

Although the statement made me blush(for some weird-ass reason),it also made me uncomfortable.

I'm not a mushy person. Making cute moments awkward/hilarious is something I could do in a snap of fingers. So I quietly wondered to myself if I had to deal with intense eye contact and double meaning conversations in a hypothetical relationship with Nikhil.

I don't know why ,but the thought slightly worried me.

"Watch it Sandy",Nikhil places his arm around my shoulder, preventing me from colliding with a lady holding shopping bags in her hand.

"Uh. Thanks",I mumble, embarrassed.

Nikhil's arm around my shoulder made me conscious, although I think he isn't aware he's wrapped his arm around me as he starts making random patterns on my arm.

"Where do you want to go?",he asks when we reach a cross road, leading to different directions, different destinations.

I shake my head off crazy thoughts,"Uh. Can we just walk around for a bit? I'm not exactly in the mood for shopping."

Nikhil looks at me strangely,though he recovers quickly,"Food court then?"

My lips twitch,food is something I really couldn't deny.

The way to a woman's heart is through her stomach too.

Not just a man's.

"Sure",I let him lead me,as we settle on the couch,seated next to each other.

I take a few seconds to frame the next few sentences I'm going to talk,in my head,so I could be most clear,and least offensive. Just as I open my mouth to talk,Nikhil starts talking.

"It's Okay Sandy", Nikhil cups my intertwined hands, holding both of mine in one of his,"I know what we're going to talk about. I just want to tell you that you can tell me anything. I will respect your decision, whatever it maybe."

Nikhil being so sweet makes me feel like a total bitch sometimes. I really can't match his level.

"No",I shake my head,"You are misunderstanding. It's not like that."


I pause, letting the waiter serve our door for the both of us.

Get over with it, Sandy.

Words flow easily as I start talking,"So, I've been thinking that maybe we should know... to see how it goes?",I flinch when Nikhil gives me a blank stare, kicking myself when my statement came out as a question.

"Could you elaborate?"

I sigh," you,Nikhil",I say softly,"And...I don't know how to say this without sounding selfish. But,you see,I want to just maybe see if we can date each other for a while if things work out between us?"

"I mean",I frown when Nikhil frowns. Am I not explaining myself well?

"Tell me what it is. You don't have to sugarcoat it Sandy. It's okay",Nikhil smiles.

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