I Am A Happy Person

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I dip my legs in the warm water, enjoying the sun on my head. I smile when a hear a squeal, followed by high pitched laughter.

"What are you doing here, sitting all by yourself?"

"Their mushiness makes me want to gag."

Nikhil grins, looking at Anshu and Avyukth in the pool. We came to a resort to celebrate Avyukth's Birthday.

I swing my legs,"Why did you agree to come?"

"You don't want me here?"

"Not like that",I shrug," I wouldn't have,if I were in your place."

"I had no plans to. But",he presses his lips,"Anshu and Avyukth had some valid points. And they kind of apologized."

"What points?"

Nikhil smiles at me,"They really care for you, Sandy."

I smile back,turning around to see my friends.

The urge to squeeze them in a hug is so strong right now.

Bad Sandy,bad. Your friends threatened the guy you most possibly like,and you want to hug them?

Shut up, subconscious.

My friends are amazing.

Okay so,I feel kinda bad for Nikhil too. But he comes after my friends.

I don't know if that's a bad thing.

"You look happy, Sandy."

I give a Nikhil a confused look,"Um. Thanks?"

He laughs,"It's good to see you like this."

"I am a happy person",I grin, jumping into the pool, pulling Nikhil along.

I scream into Avyukth's ear, wishing him a Happy Birthday as we act like idiots on crack, enjoying the day.

"You are abandoning me?"I dramatically ask.

"Shut up Sandy. Nikhil is waiting outside. He will drop you at the hostel."


"Go",my best friend hisses.

"Fine",I whine,"Go surprise your boyfriend",I shout.

I yelp when Anshu stamps my foot, grumbling to myself as I go to the entrance.

"Let's go?"

"Yeah",I walk ahead,Nikhil following me to the parking.

Uncomfortable, indecent thoughts fill my head when a few minutes pass,when I find Nikhil's gaze travelling to my bare legs, just below my shorts.

He quickly looks away,but it doesn't stop me from feeling uneasy.

When I find the silence too much,I switch the radio on.

Don't people kiss in the car all the time? Even sex, maybe?

I frown when I remember the time Dhruv and I kissed in his car.

Are Nikhil and I going to,too?

"You okay, Sandy?"

I hum, nodding.

The fact that remembering Dhruv does nothing,but the prospect of Nikhil kiss me exciting scares the shit out of me.

"You sure?"

"I said I'm fine",I find myself snapping.

I sigh inaudibly when Nikhil clenches his jaw,his hold on the steering tightening.

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