Where's Your Brain Sandy?

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Even though the meeting with Dhruv left me miffed,there was another thing that bothered me.

Nikhil's parents had called.

Nikhil's parents had called.

Nikhil's parents had called.

For marriage.

Has Nikhil gone nuts?

I take a deep breath,annoyed,having too many things to think. I sigh,running a hand through my hair,when I hear another sigh.

I glance at my best friend,"Go to sleep Anshu. I'm fine."

"Are you?",she cocked an eyebrow.

"I am o-", I'm interrupted midway when my mobile rang,again.

"Ma,I cannot make a decision in just a few hours. Give me some breathing time",I say exasperated,not bothered with a greeting.

"I understand Sandy",my mother gave a pause,"You know you can tell me if it's a No right? There's absolutely no pressure on you."

"I know Ma",I sigh again, stretching my limbs as I lie down on the bed.

"If it's not a No",my mom hesitates,"Does that mean you are thinking about it in positive terms?"

My mom's words give me palpitations.

Right. Why am I just not denying right away?,I wonder.

"I'll... I'll let you know in two to three days Ma. Give me some time."

"Okay",I hear my mother,"Go to bed Sandy."

"Yeah. Goodnight Ma."

I shut my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose, deciding to not think anymore for now.

"Wanna watch The End Of The Fucking World?"

Anshu sighs, jumping on me,"Hell yeah. Let us!"

We were leaning against each other,my head on her shoulder,and hers on my head as I slip into sleep after a few hours, subconsciously playing the days events.

Deep down,I knew I didn't straight away deny Nikhil because a certain someone asked me to. To directly not heed his words.


I blink my eyes softly, wincing when I felt the strain in my neck, rolling my eyes when I saw Anshu snore softly,her mouth wide open.

Just for the heck of it,I put some of her hair into her mouth, screaming into her ear.

"What? What happened?",she shot up, placing a hand on her heart, glaring daggers at me when she saw me laughing,"What the fuck Sandy",she snapped, trying to mug me.

I laugh, wincing when I tried to bend my head, holding her hands away.

We burst out laughing after some weird wrestling, sprawling on my bed.



"Have you thought about it?"

I didn't have to be a genius to know that she was talking about the talk with Nikhil's parents.

I groan, stuffing my face into my pillow,"Not so early in the morning Anshu."

She rolls her eyes, grabbing my arm into a sitting position,"You're thinking about what Dhruv said, aren't you?"

"I'm not thinking about it right now. But since you said, I'm sure I'll start thinking about it now",I roll my eyes, getting off the bed.

"How you're able to even joke about it is beyond me."

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