Shut The Door On Your Way Out

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When the sun shines, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out 'til the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other.

I sing the lyrics to myself, scrubbing my feet when I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"I know you are so grateful you have a friend like me that you could weep at my feet. There's no need to dedicate a song for me",I hear Anshu's annoying voice through the door,"But can you hurry up!?"

I roll my eyes,"Dream on."

I hum the lyrics to myself, scrubbing my skin as I wiggle my toes when my mobile rings.

I glare at the device.

Let me take a peaceful bath, man.

I frown when I see the caller id.

Priyanka,my junior.

It was my day off today,one of my colleague taking over. We worked once every three weekends.

I shut the shower, picking the call with the soapy hands,"I'm not on call today, Priyanka. Call Avika."

"Ma'am, Professor Chander is here,and the HOD. They're asking for you."

All colour drains my face."What?"

"Come quickly",she mumbles, cutting the call.

I quickly wipe my body, dressing up,the only thing going in my head being,

OhmygodImsoscrewed OhmygodImsoscrewed. OhmygodImsoscrewed.

My breaths are hurried,palms sweaty by the time I reach my floor,dread pooling my stomach when I see the HOD, Professor Chander,Dr. Shalini(our assistant professor), Avika,Priyanka and another junior Pallavi.

There was nothing out of the ordinary. The one's on duty were all present,except me.

I wondered why the other two juniors,and my other colleague Sapna wasn't there.

"Good morning Sir, Ma'am",I wish the HOD,Dr.Chander,and Dr.Shalini.

"What is going on in the ward Dr. Guptha?",Dr. Chander asks.

I resist the urge to flinch,when he drops a patient's file into my hand.

I pale when I read the file, staring wide eyed at Priyanka,my junior.

"Do you have an explanation?",the HOD shouts.

I stare at the words in front of me.

Thirty six hour old neonate,irritable,not feeding well,drowsy. Passed urine three times,no passage of stools in the last twenty four hours.
Examination-Blood glucose-39mg/dl.
The on call resident did not attend to the mother even when informed.
Baby critical. Shifted to NICU at 9:50am,19/02/21.
Dr. Harish.

And a sign below it.

I open my mouth,and shut it multiple times.

"Well?",my unit chief,Dr. Chander gives me a hard look.

"I'm not on duty today,Sir",I say meekly.

"I don't care who is on duty today,how you guys split. But if you're going to compromise the safety of the patients,I will be forced to take action."

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