It Was My Decision

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Surprise surprise.

Kind of long chapter ahead. And a bit intense-ish?🤔
Let me know what you think about it?😬

Happy reading.

There's a hop in my steps,in spite of the hollow in my heart.




"Oh shut up",I snap at free air, irritated.

Maybe I should just hook up with a random guy.

Yes. That's it.

Maybe I should try the Friends with Benefits kind of thing.

Don't be absurd, Sandy. When did Friends with benefits workout,for anyone?
It doesn't even workout in movies.

I glare at the file I'm reading,not absorbing a word.


Why the fuck did I even need a closure? I feel so miserable.

I just want to forget that I'm a doctor responsible for lives, and hide myself in my room and not come out.

Real life didn't exactly work like the movies.

Time didn't stop,for anyone.

I curse my fate when I hear the voice I've religiously been avoiding the last few days.

"Hey,Sandy",Nikhil grins,"Long time."

You're getting married. To Nikhil.
It's you and Nikhil, Sandy.
I had to lose my best friend because of you.

"Yeah",I force a smile.

"All okay?"

I couldn't keep it within when I blurted out,"I spoke to Dhruv."

"Uh Okay?"

"About that day."

Nikhil gives me a guarded look, "And? How did it go?"


He pockets his hands, looking around,"Let's talk somewhere else."

We go to a partly secluded area of the campus, where I narrate the story to him, skipping the last five minutes,or hours.

The hug. The kiss.

Forehead kiss, but whatever.

Nikhil nods, his face serious,"Do you feel better? Now that you've told him?"

"Yeah",I nod distractedly,staring at the tree next to me.

I don't notice Nikhil taking a step towards me, surprised to find him very close to me when he opens his mouth,"Then? What next?"

Why the fuck is everyone asking me the same question?

Anshu, Avyukth and now Nikhil.

With Nikhil,I decide to tweak my reply,on Anshu and Avyukth's insistence. They swore Nikhil likes me. And he would give some reaction when I narrate the situation to him.

I only managed to get a blank stare until now.

I'm going to slowly strangle those two idiots to death.

"What next?",I ask, injecting innocence into my tone.

"Are you getting back with Dhruv?", Nikhil asks, staring into the distance.

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