It's Only My Right

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"Stop hugging me Anshu. I'm fine."

"How dare Nikhil pounce on you that way, especially in my absence!"

I roll my eyes.

"You should have texted me,at least",Anshu exclaims,"I would have given him a piece of my mind."

"I'm just so done dude. This is too much drama for me to handle."

"Sandy, I'm sure Nikhil didn't mean it,like he said. It was probably a slip of tongue."

Anshu knows how much importance I give to words. I take things at a face value,unless I know the person like the back of my hand.

I raise an eyebrow,"I'm sure you can't randomly blurt out stuff like that."

"It's okay Sandy. Go slap him once again and ask him not to dare to talk that way to you again."

"If there's an award for the best crap advice,it would go to you."

"I'm fine. Don't stare at me like that",I snap when Anshu just looks at me, through me.

When Anshu continues to stare at me,I gulp the lump in my throat, pulling her into a hug,"So what if he wished he didn't like a girl like me? So what if he thinks I'm selfish? So what,Anshu?",I shed a few tears in my best friend's arms ,"I know what I am . I know my intentions were pure. It's his loss of he doesn't understand me",I say, pulling away,"So if I know I'm not wrong", I'm teary eyed when I face my best friend,"Why does it feel like someone is stabbing me?"

"Is something wrong with me?",I whisper,ugly tears escaping my eyes,my lower lip quivering as doubts creep my mind.

"Shh Sandy",Anshu tears up, cupping my face,"Nikhil can go to hell. I'm telling you,your best friend. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. Nikhil is an idiot to have misread the situation. Don't pay heed to his words. Heck,any guy would be lucky to have you. And if that bitch can't see it, it's his loss",Anshu says,"Look at me Sandy. You are good just the way you are. Nikhil doesn't know you like I do. Don't take his words seriously. Don't let him get to you. You are tougher than this. We'll pass through this, Okay?"

I nod,wiping my tears.

I wring my hands in nervousness, silently praying my presentation wasn't as crap as I found it to be.

I couldn't go through it as thoroughly as I wished because had a headache.

I sigh in relief when my turn is done, packing up for the day.

There's a grin on my face when my presentation is done,relaxed.

I wince when my head throbs, cupping my forehead as I head to get some coffee. I switch my mobile on, trying to call Anshu,rolling my eyes when she didn't pick the call. She must be around.

She has this weird habit of not picking the call when she's close by,say ten to twenty meters.

I enjoy my coffee,lost in my thoughts when I hear someone gossipping next to me.

"Haven't you heard?", Girl 1 says.

"I did. But it's so shocking ",Girl 2 says.

"Even I couldn't believe it when I heard. But Shashank told me that he was there when it happened ",Girl 3 says.

"Didn't that girl do something like that last year too?"Girl 1 says.

I roll my eyes,zoning them out. They were gossipping for too long,not coming to the main point.

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