Day Thirty

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We are back by the campfire, kissed by its warmth and wrapped in the fragrance of hawthorn. Our journey with Magdalene has led us deeper into the darkness beyond the flames, only for us to see them blaze brighter because of it. We have heard the voice of Sophia calling at the tomb of our hearts, and have realised that the Christ many seek without abides within, waiting to burst forth in resurrection glory. We have followed Wisdom and She has led us to the Jesus we never realised existed; beyond exclusivity, beyond dogma, beyond bigotry, beyond prejudice. The Jesus who, with his Beloved Magdalene, embraces us within their sacred union and conceives in us the glory of the Kingdom. The night is sweet with the presence of Mary, and we rest in it, knowing that this is not the end. Our real journey has only just begun, and the future is dark with her mystery and bright with the wonder of her Christ.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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