Day Twenty-eight

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Politics, the lust for power, and the solidification of and justification for material increase has sought to drown out the ministry of the Magdalene. Her haters have gone further, persecuting and burning their way to the highest seats of earthly authority from where they trumpeted a new orthodoxy that bore little resemblance to the ministry of the man Jesus. The desire was to impose an authority between the spiritual mind and the divine, to turn the simplicity of personal communion with God into a complex shenanigans that not only denied the divine within and instead placed Divinity on a remote throne, but furthermore built a vast wall of dogma and guilt that made bridging the gap impossible. But her words have never truly vanished from this world, the testimony of the Apostle to the apostles. The story is not over; it has barely begun, and we are blessed to be the writers of its prologue in this new age of awakening to the Goddess of Wisdom.

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