Day Twenty-four

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Ideas and conceptions are our slave masters. Our minds are locked into trains of thought that tow cargos of judgements and presumptions and biases. At the root cause is ignorance, a lack of understanding that what we perceive to be real is just a composite of perceptions and misperceptions about who we are, and what we are. This ignorance deposes True Wisdom and sits on Sophia's throne, bellowing misogyny, hate and division and declaring the words to be those of the Lord. Meanwhile Sophia is imprisoned by the doorkeepers of delusion, and when she would speak out, she is reprimanded, vilified, labeled a whore. Her reputation is tarnished and her name sacrificed on the altar to the demiurge of psychological forces that wishes the world its way and no other. But Sophia will not be silenced. Wisdom cannot forever be enslaved by the whim of Ego, of Self-will. It was to redeem Wisdom from enslavement that Christ tore open his own flesh. By the rending of the material veil, he released Sophia from her imprisonment, and now hearts are awakening to her presence, and realising once more the gnosis of the Mother of All-living.

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