Day Twenty-nine

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How beloved of the Saviour Magdalene was! Even the other apostles knew this, and despite their opposition were obliged to acknowledge, 'Sister, we know that the Teacher loved you differently from other women. Tell us whatever you remember of any words he told you.' (Gospel of Mary Magdalene). This intimacy was innate, born before the earthly manifestations of Sophia and Her Christ, originating at the beginningless beginning and the origination of the Word, the Logos. But before a Word there must first be a Thought that clothes itself in syntax. The closeness of Thought and Word is such that we cannot separate them in our experience. We speak to voice our thoughts, and our words are married to this unseen motivator and originator of the sound we make, giving it significance. Otherwise it would be meaningless babble. Sophia as Magdalene illuminates the minds of all who hear her voice, opening up the teachings of her Spouse, for Christ without Sophia leads only to pious ignorance.

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