Day Twenty-two

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We are so used to the idea that there must always be some intermediary between us and the divine. Some priest or bishop who stands before us like a negotiator, and without whom we cannot enter the divine audience chamber. It is something so ingrained that it has damaged our very view of God, that we regard him as distant, remote, somehow offended by us and whose representative must soothe and cajole him. But we have it all backwards. Creation beats with the very essence of divinity. All that is exists as an emanation of the Ultimate Union of Christ and His Sophia, vibrant with the energy of their marriage. Creation isn't spoiled; the demiurge whom we fear makes it so is but the deluded personification of the human ego that sees wrongly, and consequently acts wrongly. God and Goddess reside in all things, are all things. Intermediaries are redundant in the true Kingdom, for the Darkness and Light inhabit your very being and experience your life as you! Your communion with that energy, that glorious Pleromal Source is without hindrance and as natural as your next breath, with nothing between.

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