Day Eighteen

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Only the Magdalene knew. Only she could see it so clearly, the true message of the man Jesus. It is this Sophia Wisdom that gives clear understanding, knowledge, gnosis of the work of the Logos. This same Sophia resides in us all, for at the beginning of beginningless time, we were in her and through her and were begotten into form. The signature of the artist graces every masterpiece, and this marks it as originating from that brush and that imagination. Similarly our own souls are marked with the seal of Sophia, not simply as a copy or creation, but as an emanation of her! Awakening is to open our eyes to this truth, to the garden tomb of the heart, outside of which Magdalene holds to the Risen Lord. Here in this realisation is the seed of the Kingdom, in this union that precedes time and eternity, and which by extension shows us who we really are.

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