Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Days had passed by and it was now Sunday, which was supposed to be the last day of Stella and Harry's trip at the Grand Canyon. Plans changed though. Now they couldn't even be in the same room. Crazy how one conversation has the power of changing everything.

Harry stayed home from the studio all week. He told the guys what had happened between him and Stella and Jeff was the one to tell him to stay at home and rest. Jeff knew that this had hit Harry hard and he didn't want it to become another Camille situation. Unfortunately, that's what it was becoming. Most nights he couldn't sleep and found himself drinking throughout all hours of the day, doing anything to stop himself from thinking about how much of an idiot he was. He even called Stella while drunk one night and told her that he missed her. However, Stella ignored the call and didn't bother listening to the voicemail. Harry was falling back into that dark hole he found himself in after the breakup, the same one that made him want to lose himself. This time he didn't have Stella to pull him out of it.

While Harry was slipping away, Stella found herself pulling closer to those who meant most to her. She called her dad every other day and hung out with Jackson a lot more. She and Jocelyn had a couple of girls nights which were really needed and appreciated. She was also hanging out with Sean and going on dates with him still. She hadn't brought up their last conversation but Sean was happy that she was out of the apartment and away from Harry. As far as knew, Harry had become a messy roommate and made it difficult to live with. That was what she told him. Explaining the real reason was too difficult. She knew that she wasn't into Sean, but some part of her wanted to, so she tried to convince herself she was. The more you think something is real, the more real it starts to become. At least that was the philosophy she was hanging on to.

"Hey, Stella, can we talk?" Jackson asked, making her advert her attention from Netflix. Next to Jackson stood Jocelyn who looked serious. However, she was too focused on her dinner that she hadn't really noticed.

"Sure, what's up?" She asked, a mouthful of spaghetti making her sound muffled.

"So," He started, the couple taking a seat next to Stella. "We love having you here and everything but we talked about it and we both agree that it's time for you to go back to the apartment." He broke the news to her.

"Have I been a bad guest?" She asked, wondering what she did wrong.

"Oh, gosh no. You've been great and we love having you here." Jocelyn reassured her.

"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just time for you to get back out there and face Harry again."

"But you guys know what he did." Stella tried to reason with them.

"Yes, but you have to move on eventually. Not for him but for you. Look, you don't have to be friends with him again but you can't just avoid him for the rest of your life." Jocelyn explained.

"Fine." She sighed, knowing that they were right.

"You can come to visit whenever and if it gets really bad then let us know but I have a feeling that this is going to be a good thing." Jackson smiled, trying to make his little sister feel better.

"A good thing?" She questioned.

"On second thought, maybe not for Sean." Jackson joked.

"Sean is a big boy and can handle it." Jocelyn rolled her eyes.

"He'll be fine. It's not ideal for either party but it is what it is," Stella added. "Well, I'll go pack up my stuff and head out I guess." She got up from the couch and walked to the guest bedroom that had become hers in the short amount of time that she spent at their place.

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