Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Harry woke up to see that Stella was only inches away from him, her lips parted slightly as she slept peacefully. Harry smiled at the sight of her but quickly grew confused as to what happened and how he ended up in bed with her. All Harry could really remember was that he had done magic mushrooms. Everything else was kind of blurry and he could remember some things but didn't know what was and wasn't real. As he was thinking back on yesterday, Stella stirred in her sleep and soon woke up, letting out a loud yawn as she did so. Before even opening up her eyes, Stella stretched her arms out as she normally did which resulted in her hitting Harry. She opened up her eyes at the sound of a grunt, Harry rubbing the side of his cheek.

"I'm sorry." She quickly apologized, feeling bad for hitting him.

"It's okay but damn does my mouth hurt." He said groggily, something feeling off.

"I'm sure that your pain is kicking in now since you're off of the high." Stella said, leaving Harry confused as to what she was referring to.

"What do you mean? Also, how did I get here?" He asked.

"Jeff brought you. He's interesting. As far as your mouth goes, you bit off a piece of your tongue." Stella explained, a disappointed look plastered on her face.

"I bit off my tongue?" Harry asked, startled by the information.

He then sprung up and walked over to Stella's mirror that was placed in the corner of her room. He stood in front of it and pulled out his tongue, examining it. He could see the redness on the side of it, a small part of his tongue gone.

"What the hell did I do?" He asked more as a rhetorical question.

"You decided to be dumb and try magic mushrooms. Wish I could tell you why but I'm still trying to figure that part out." Stella said, Harry turning back around to look at her.

"I tried them because I thought that they'd help me write a song which they did as far as I can remember." He informed her.

"So you suddenly can't write songs without drugs?" She asked him, her tone coming out a bit judgmental.

"I can but I wanted to try them." He told her.

"Okay." She nodded her head while pursing her lips out, looking away from him to try and not show Harry that she was upset with him.

She didn't want to be upset with him because it wasn't her place to say anything but she just wished that he had at least talked to her about it beforehand. However, at the same time, she knew that he didn't owe her that.

"What?" Harry asked, knowing that she clearly had something on her mind.

"Just don't do them again, okay? I don't want to see you get hurt." Stella said.



"So what all happened yesterday?" Harry asked, wanting to fill in the missing blanks.

"Jeff brought you back and you acted like a horn dog for half of the time and the other half you acted like a baby. I had to sing to you and play with your hair in order for you to pass out and shut up." She told him.

"Horn dog?" He questioned, wanting to know more about that particular part.

"Let's just say you barged into my room after I had gotten out of the shower." Stella said.

"So I saw you?" Harry asked, trailing off the end of the sentence, his eyes widened a bit at the thought of seeing Stella naked.

"Oh no. I was in my towel but you told me several times how hot I was and how I'd be even hotter without a towel." Stella laughed a little.

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