Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Great work today, Harry." Jeff patted Harry on the back, a victorious smile plastered on his lips. He was just glad that Harry had finally got some work done. 

"Thanks, Jeff." Harry smiled back before looking down at his phone that had buzzed, signaling a message.

He noticed that it was a text message from Phoebe that read, "We should catch up next week. I leave for New York on Thursday so just let me know!" He then noticed that Stella had messaged him a few hours ago. It read, "I made it back in one piece. The extra cash is on the counter."

"How come you were late?" Tom engaged in conversation.

"I went to the grab coffee with Stella and forgot about the time." Harry confessed.

"Stella, as in the pretty roommate of yours?" Tom questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"That would be the one." Harry nodded.

"Do you like her or something?" Tom wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"I like her company. She's real and genuine. She almost feels like a long-lost childhood friend." Harry described his feelings towards the girl.

"But do you like her?" Tom asked, Harry knowing what he meant but not really having the answer to it just yet.

"Undetermined." Harry shortly said, not wanting his friends to know how he actually felt towards her. He didn't want to make it a whole deal. Besides, it was only a small attraction. For now. 

I mean, he liked being around her and thought she was cute. That was it. For now at least.

"Speaking of the roommate, I need you to bring her this contract. Make sure she signs it and then bring it back to me. Also, you have an interview with James Corden in two weeks so be prepared for that. I should have the interview questions by the end of the week. I already told him that Camille is off limits." Jeff told him, handing him a whole booklet of papers.

"Is this really necessary, Jeff?" Harry asked with annoyance laced in his voice when referring to the contract, disregarding the last few sentences.

"It's only for your safety. I'm just doing my job, Harry." He told him and while Harry understood where he was coming from, he didn't like the idea of giving Stella a contract.

"I'm heading off for the night. I'll see you all Monday." Harry waved goodbye to the group before driving back to the apartment.

When Harry got back to the apartment, Stella was in the living room munching on kettle corn and marshmallows as she watched The Bachelor.

"Oh don't tell me you watch this." Harry shook his head in disappointment.

"I can't help it." Stella shamelessly shrugged her shoulders.

Harry walked over to her and watched as Colton handed out the final rose of the evening.

"This show is terrible." Harry said.

"I put your food in the fridge." Stella said, ignoring his comment due to paying too much attention to the show.

"Oh, thank you." Harry said, disappearing for a moment to grab it.

After heating it up, he came back out and stood behind Stella who was on the couch. He took a bite of his food and started to watch the show just to be in the company of Stella rather than for the actual content itself. She looked behind her and then patted the side of the couch, signaling for him to join her. He hesitantly decided to sit down and continued to watch the show with her. By the end of the episode, Harry was hooked.

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