Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Today was the day that Harry was coming back home from Japan. He was only an hour away from seeing Stella for the first time in weeks. It really felt like months though. He hadn't seen her in forever it seemed and he only talked to her the first few days he was there. About three days in, she stopped texting back. In fact, their text message thread consisted of Harry sending her several messages and her not responding. It be a lie if he said that he wasn't nervous seeing her again. He had several things going through his mind as he thought about her.

Was she upset with him? How was he going to tell her he likes her? How would she react? What would happen if he blew it off like normal and didn't tell her anything? Were her and Sean official now? Was he too late? Did Sean and Stella end things? Was he just on time?

There were so many things running through his mind. While Harry was thinking about Stella, she was out with Sean. They were on a double date with Jocelyn and Jackson at the arcade. It was something that the four of them used to do in high school and they've carried the tradition since. It was almost as sacred as their iHop hangouts but nothing would ever top iHop. The whole day, Stella had been more quiet and reserved than usual which was something Jocelyn had picked up on. Jocelyn tried starting a conversation with Stella several times throughout the day to try and see what was going on but Sean and Jackson always came over and interrupted.

"Where should we go for food?" Jackson asked, his game of ski ball ending.

"I'm actually not too hungry." Stella said, not wanting to be out much longer as she wanted to be home for when Harry arrived. He had texted her earlier that his plane was arriving tonight and he'd be home around nine.

"In that case, do you guys just want to go back to my place and chill for a little?" Sean suggested the idea, not wanting the date to end so soon which was ironic because Stella couldn't wait for it to end.

Sean knew that Harry came back in town today and he was dreading it. He didn't like the idea of Harry being around Stella and he had grown used to him not being around. With him coming back, Sean's confidence was beginning to falter. However, he knew that she wasn't going to be around Harry since she promised him she wouldn't. She could live with him but she couldn't associate with him. That was their terms.

"Sounds like fun." Jackson nodded, looking over at Stella and Jocelyn to see what they thought.

"I'm down." Stella shrugged, not knowing how to tell him that she wasn't interested. People pleasing. One of her biggest downfalls.

"Great. We'll see you back at my place then." Sean said, walking over to Stella but got stopped by Jocelyn who wrapped her arm around Stella's shoulders, pulling her closer.

"Sorry, but you'll have to wait and see her at the apartment. We have some important girl talk to do." Jocelyn announced with a small smile on her face as she reassured Jackson that everything was alright, noticing the confused and worried glance he sent her way.

"Alright then. I guess we'll be riding together." Sean turned to Jackson.

"Fine by me," He went along with the flow. "Here's the keys. See you later, babe. Love you and you too, Stella." Jackson handed off the keys, kissing both of the girls, Jocelyn on the cheek and Stella on the side of her head.

"To Jackson's car, we go!" Jocelyn shouted, quickly walking out of the arcade and to the olive green jeep.

"What do we need to talk about?" Stella asked once it was just the two of them.

"Depends. First, I need to know what is up with you?" Jocelyn asked, leaving the radio off so she could hone in on her conversation with Stella.

"What do you mean?" Stella asked, her eyebrows knitting together as she tried to play the clueless card. Jocelyn wasn't buying it though. 

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