Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Three days in and it was now Monday, afternoon to be exact, since she and Sean had last spoken. She was walking out of her last class of the day, watching as Sean got out of his as well. She didn't even bother going up to him and trying to fix things. She had already said her peace and all she could do now was wait and see if he'd come around.

Stella made it to her car and unlocked it, starting to get in when she saw Sean run over to her, his chest heaving up and down.

"Hey!" He breathed out, trying to catch his breath.


"Listen, I'm sorry for being a jerk the other day. I was pissed off and acted crappy." He apologized.

"It's fine." She said, feeling awkward around him but also wanting to just forget the whole situation.

"Could we reschedule that date?" Sean asked, a sheepish smile plastered on his face as he hoped that Stella would forgive him.

"Sure." She put her bag in the passenger seat of her car.

"Could we do it today? Say like right now?" He brought up the idea.

"Let me go home and change first and then we can. I'll meet you at your apartment." She told him.

"Great! I'll see you soon then." Sean smiled before he walked towards his car.

Stella drove back to the apartment and went straight to her closet, pulling out a pair of tan trousers jeans and a blue t-shirt that she paired with some white sneakers. She grabbed her sunglasses and clipped up her hair to keep it from falling onto her face. Once she was all ready, she walked over to Sean's and knocked on the door.

"You ready?" He asked her as he opened up the door.

"I'm the one standing outside." She joked.

"Right. Let's go then." He said, the two walking to his car.

"Where are we going exactly?" Stella asked, wanting to know.

"I figured that we could go to iHop like old times." Sean smiled at her, thinking back on the iHop adventures they shared with one another growing up.

Stella and Sean would go to their local iHop every Friday morning from Freshman to Senior year. There were only a few times that they didn't whether it be from a cold, a break from school, or they had some class trip that was out of town. Funnily enough, that was where Jocelyn and Jackson had first met each other. It was Stella's Sophmore year that she met Jocelyn in her Chemistry class. They became friends and Stella invited Jocelyn to join her breakfast as well as Jackson. She had a feeling that they would click. Jackson, being the mess he was, ended up spilling his iced tea all over Jocelyn. If it weren't for Stella, they would not be together right now. She was doing God's work as she liked to call it.

"Nice choice." She complimented, thinking about all their memories.

"Remember that one time Freshman year when you got your period there? You were wearing white jeans and I thought that it was a strawberry sauce or something." Sean brought up a memory that Stella had hidden in the back of her mind where she kept all the rest of her unwanted, embarrassing stories. Almost all of Freshman and Sophmore year was hidden back there.

"I haven't worn white jeans since." She shook her head at the thought.

"Which is a shame because white jeans look great on you." He smoothly complimented.

"Not good enough to give me PTSD every time I wear them." She said, the two laughing together.

"Man was high school a lot easier." Sean said.

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