Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Stella woke up to the sound of music playing and the smell of bacon leaking into her room. She got out of her bed and walked to her nightstand, taking out some aspirin. She popped two into her mouth as she made her way to the kitchen, swallowing them dry as she was used to it by now. She peeked her head around the corner to find Harry making breakfast.

"Good morning." He smiled at her.

"Good morning to you too." She smiled back.

"Are you hungry? I like making breakfast, so I made some tofu bacon and I'm about to get started on crepes." He said to her, the sound of heaven entering her ears.

"That sounds amazing." She said, surprised that he was offering to make her food.

"Okay. It should be done in about twelve minutes or so." He informed.

"Sounds good to me." She said as she walked back into the living room.

She laid down on the couch as he went into the kitchen. Stella closed her eyes and let the sun shine down on her, the warmth making goosebumps rise on her cold skin.

"Well, I've been afraid of changing cause I've built my life around you." Stella softly sang along to Stevie Nick's voice, the sound of butter sizzling in a pan fitting in with the vibe.

Harry then peeked his head around the corner, listening to Stella sing while walking closer in order to hear more of her voice.

"You sing?" He asked once he was right behind her.

"Don't sneak up on me like that when I'm hungover," She shot him a glare as she put her hand on her rushing heart. "And not really." She lied, calming down from the surprise.

"Sing for me." He demanded, hoping for Stella to sing some more for him.

"I don't like singing in front of people." She said which was slightly a lie. She actually loved to sing in front of people and loved the free, adrenaline feeling she felt whenever she did, but she hated being put on the spot. It just added pressure and would make her nervous.

"Stevie is one of my favorites, if not my favorite." He told her.

"Me too." Stella nodded with her eyes closed as she laid down, softly humming along to the music.

Harry was about to respond to her when the sound of his phone beeping interrupted him. He walked back into the kitchen and continued to cook the crepes. Stella remained on the couch, quietly singing to herself.

"Hey Stell, did you do t-" Sean started to say as he walked right into the apartment that the two must've forgotten to have locked, smelling the air around him before finishing his sentence. "Are you cooking? It smells great." He continued, walking into the living room to find Stella.

"No, that would be me." Harry said, some batter smeared across his face.

"Oh." Sean nodded his head, looking between the two.

"What kind of fillings do you like in your crepes, Stella?" Harry asked her.

"Strawberries and Nutella. Strawberries are in the fridge and there should be a big jar of Nutella in the left cupboard." She got up and turned to him, moving her hands around in the direction of the items as she spoke. Strawberries and Nutella were a staple for Stella.

Harry only nodded his head before returning back to the kitchen.

"You look like shit." Sean turned to Stella, taking a seat next to her.

"Gee thanks, Charming." She sarcastically told him with an eye roll.

"Let me guess, you hit up another Jack and he screwed you over. It's always the Js." Sean referred to the liquor that his friend had a problem with.

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