Chapter 16

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Holding a strong grip around the colorful cup in an attempt to warm up my cold hands, I checked out my cell phone to see if there are any new messages waiting for me. Of course, I had no such luck and since I'd already seen everything on social media, I decided to patiently sit down until he didn't show up.

I wanted so much to take a sip of warm coffee but, knowing better not to burn my tongue, I chose not to. Maybe he thought it was a bad idea and left me hanging there. Hoping that wasn't the case, I looked outside where everything was washed out by the pouring rain, as it continued to hit window panes of the small coffee bar I'd been sitting at for the last ten minutes.

''Can I speak with you for a moment?'' I peeked out and asked the prison guard who had been standing in front of my office ever since I got there.

''What for?'' He bitterly replied without even sparing me a look.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior but decided not to make a comment about it. If I were to do such thing, he'd be even madder and that was anything but what I wanted to accomplish here, '' Because I asked you kindly and I don't see a reason why you wouldn't.''

''Yeah? Like you kindly threatened my friend? Your colleague?''

I gradually began to feel fed up with him but if I wanted this to go peacefully, I had to keep my cool, ''Look, we can either discuss that in my office or you can carry on with your furious attitude for the next few months, maybe even years, while I'll be working here. It's your choice.''

It seemed like he was irked with the whole situation but so was I. His manners were by far unacceptable towards me and I wasn't going to let that coming in my way anymore. Aaron took a moment to think about it before sighing out loud, perhaps finally realizing that I might be right, and followed me inside the four walls.

The ring that was hanging above the entrance rang throughout the coffee bar, making me look away from the window and at its direction. After a long wait, Aaron's figure appeared in my sight for which I was more than glad. His eyes scanned the room, trying to spot me, and he did once I rose my right hand in the air, waving. To my surprise, he gave me his usual infamous smile and I couldn't help myself but return one as well.

"Hey, Mia." He greeted me, as he reached me. I stood up and hugged him in a friendly way before letting my body hit the booth behind me once again.

"Hey! I'm so glad you came." It was the truth. I was elated so much.

"Well, I told you I was going to, didn't I?"

"You did," I answered, "but I wasn't so sure when you started being late. Or maybe that's your thing?" I teased him a little bit but he only smiled once more. Until then, I hadn't noticed small dimples that started to show after corners of his mouth widely broadened. It left me surprised, positively surprised.

"Nah, it's just a one-time thing where I let the girl wait for me on our first hang-out so she can know I'm not that desperate to spend some time with her, you know?"

I laughed, "Oh my God, you're terrible."

"I know what you're gonna say but that doesn't mean you had to do it." Said he, as he bravely stepped into my office and let the heavy door shut behind his figure. I turned around to look at him, too annoyed to sit down.

''And I know that wasn't the way to do it and I've already said I was sorry for that. In my defense, there was no harm done to the guard and I would never even try to do such thing but everything had gotten out of the control and I just did it. It might not be a valid excuse but, at that moment, it felt like a right thing to do, considering how my life was saved by the inmate who is also my patient. It's in my nature to help others, especially when they did nothing wrong.''

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