Chapter 9

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''So she finally came?'' I asked, utterly elated for a person who was sitting right in front of me. I've been waiting for him to tell me these good and exciting news and by the look he was giving me, I was sure it went way better than he expected.

He nodded, ''Yeah... she did.''

I could see how nervous Callum felt about it but I needed to know the outcome, ''What did she say?''

''Well, it was kinda awkward at first.'' He confessed as he recalled a memory, ''Then I kind of, you know, told her what has been on my mind recently. That I regret what I've done. Stuff like that. I don't know, I guess she could see that I'm telling the truth because she said what was on her mind too. Like, how she couldn't bare the fact that I'm in a prison and that visiting me only brought so much pain to her. So yeah, I understood her and well, I think we... forgave each other? Since neither one of us really acted the way we should have, right? And yeah, that was pretty much it. She told me that as long as I keep calling her every day that she'll visit me every time she catches an opportunity.''

By the time he finished talking, I had already been smiling from ear to ear. Hearing such positive feedback from my patient meant so much to me, even more than I'd like to admit. It was obvious how important Callum's mother meant to him and it'd be such a shame that he threw away the bond two of them shared.

''I'm so happy for you, Callum.'' I said and meant it, ''See? Sometimes you have to just take chances in life and see what it brings to you. Risking isn't always as risky as we think it is. It can also bring us everything we have ever asked for.''

He nodded, agreeing with my statement I had just made, ''True... but, you know Miss if it weren't for you, I probably would've never even done that. So thanks.''

''You don't have to thank me. And it wasn't me. It was all you. I only nudged you to do something you've been wanting to do since you got here. You decided to do that and you've done it right. So the only person you should thank is yourself.''

We continued to talk and, among other things, he was curious enough to ask me about my absence yesterday. I wasn't comfortable with sharing what I'd experienced especially that part where I was stuck between Andrei and the wall, so I quickly made something up and covered my lie. Thinking about it, I was so glad when I heard warden's voice while I was in the solitary, half asleep sitting on the bench. They ran some tests and once they've seen my system was pure, warden apologized in the name of all of them, including himself. He also mentioned how he didn't doubt in me but there were certain regulations we had yet to respect. And I respected them. If we exclude the solitary part, of course.

I was asked if I could point a finger at someone who might have done such thing but I had no clue. Even Aaron joined us after some time and hinted at the person whom I accused earlier that day. Since I knew that Andrei had nothing do to with it, I tried to defend him as subtle as possible, not wanting to draw any attention to both of us, especially him.

There were no words I could use to describe how relieved I felt once I stepped into my home. After washing and rinsing old dirt off my skin, I made myself a meal which I ate in a span of a few minutes and went straight to the coziness of my bed. That sleep was very needed and I couldn't be more thankful for it. Once I woke up, I couldn't help myself but think about who was really that person who set me up. And foremost, why would he, or maybe even she, do such thing? As far as I was aware, I was in a war with no one. Except for Andrei with whom I have the most complicated relationship. But it wasn't him. So who could it possibly be?

I sent Callum back to his cell after we talked for a little bit more than an hour. My look passed the wall which had a round clock on it and once I've seen that I had forty minutes until my own lunch, I decided not to invite anyone in my office.

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