Chapter 12

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My heart was thudding against my ribcage as I followed the steps of warden and several guards who were coming with us. The expectations and possible outcomes I had in mind were completely lunatic and it was then when I came to a realization that I was in a serious need of being calmed down. I was exaggerating and it caused my body to be stiff and stark as my legs padded down the corridor of Riverscope Prison.

Thinking about everything that had been happening around here for the last few days, I wasn't sure how would it affect me. Considering the aftermath I'd already suffered, it was a good thing that I was still firm on my feet with my head high.

I was in a college once. And being a psychology student has its perks such as learning how to put your jitters under the control. But at that particular moment, it felt like I'd never even studied something like it and left me sorrowing.

It was the fact that I had yet to face hundreds of inmates, all at once. This time, not one of them are to have handcuffs around their wrists or chains around their legs to keep them from breaking out or doing anything harmful to others. In their minds, anything they could see as an opportunity to escape was to put in a good use. No matter what the warden told me about the maximum security, the feeling of fright had never seemed to let me go.

''Is everyone on their positions as I asked?'' The warden was the first one to break the silence that surrounded us.

''Yes, Sir. The inmates are informed about your coming as well.''

''Very well.'' One of the guards opened the bar doors which separated the hall where my office was with deep parts of the building where inmates were being captivated, ''Are they outside?''

''They are.''

''In that case, I want you and the young man next to you with me by all cost. If anything goes wrong, you know what to do.''

The guard nodded his head in understatement and let us pass through yet another gate. I grew impatient as I'd never been here prior to this circumstance. Not only that but taking each step forward made me fear for my life. Who knows what could have possibly happened there amid many prisoners who wanted nothing more but to be set free.

''What about me, warden?'' I asked him since I wasn't sure if I had to appear by his side.

''Just stick with me, Miss. And don't go anywhere.''

I would go nowhere else even if he requested.

We were so close. I was finally able to see the most guarded gate with a medium sized office on its right side. That was definitely the line that I wasn't ready to cross. Yet there I was, left with no other choice but to comply superior's demands.

People, I had never seen before, greeted the warden and didn't hesitate to open the gate quickly. I took a deep breath, as I tried to steady my horrific breathing and shaky hands. If I looked less worried than I was, maybe others won't be looking at me in an unlikely way.

Security cameras were all over the hall, at each and every corner, following our every step that we'd made. I faced the floor, as it seemed easier for me to bare the situation I was currently in. Suddenly, we stopped.

''We're not going to pass by the cells.'' The warden said in a more demanding way, ''Let's take surrounding way, it's more secured.''

''We'll have to open the outer gates and fences, in that case, Sir.''

''Then open them.''

Instead of going down the hall, which seemed to be the path to the cells where they kept inmates held, we took another turn and left the building on the left side. The sun was shining but by the way gray clouds were coming towards us, there was definitely going to rain sometime soon.

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