Chapter 5

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''You look flustered.'' Nira made a comment, while sitting next to me. Her slice of pizza looked delicious compared to my tuna sandwich I bought this morning. Since I was in a bit of a rush, I decided not to test the time and appear on my newly found job when I was told.

''I do not.'' I lied to her, as I took my first bite. It didn't taste as bad as I thought it'd be or maybe I was simply hungry way too much to care about how the food actually tasted like.

''Are you sure? Because you really look like it.''

I rolled my eyes, just to point out that her statement was false. Of course that she was right, though, and anyone could see that but what could I possibly tell her? That I've been having heating arguments with my own patient? That I can't deny the fact that I find him appealing, although I should not?

''Yes, I'm positive.''

She decided to drop it, fortunately for me, as she focused on her food only. I picked up the phone from the table and looked through the notifications, but nothing particularly caught my attention as I thought it would. Not until I saw a new message from my old friend Kelsy, which she sent to the group chat I have with my three friends from high school, Kelsy included. For some unknown reason, we don't hear from each other as often as we used to, but we always meet up for at least a drink once a month. I absolutely love hanging out with them and I always miss them so much. Even though every one of us practically has our own life right now, I'm glad that they're still here. At some point.

The message said that Kelsy wants to meet with us this Friday since it's been a while we haven't seen each other. I craved for some girl company, considering how much of a loner I've been lately. So before I could change my mind for no reason at all, I typed that I'm in. The only thing I hoped for was that no one else said wouldn't be able to make her appearance. I seriously need to interact with humans, aside from the work.

''Anything interesting on that?'' Nira asked me, as she nudged her head in a direction of my phone.

''Oh,'' I put it down, ''I was just checking my messages. An old friend of mine asked if a few of us were free this Friday so we can go out.''

She perked up at the mention of that, ''Jesus, how did I not think of it before? I used to go out with a few workers from here in one of the clubs, but we haven't done that for two months now. Would you like to go with us if we decide to go again?''

I was really elated to hear Nira invited me to go out, even though she was someone I'd like to call as my new friend – not my associate. We made excellent acquaintance and so far she seems very quaint. In a positive way, of course.

''Sure, why not?''

The next day, I decided to pay our warden a visit, since I was unfamiliar with Lloyd's situation. To be honest, it got me little worried of what might have happened, but knowing that he's a person who likes to have everything organized around here, without any problems, I find it hard to believe that he'd be involved in some kind of a dirty work.

I greeted Nira, who was sitting at her own desk, prior to asking her if the warden was really even here. When she gave me a small 'yes', I was glad that I didn't come here in vain.

Waiting for her to finish last few sentences of some paper she's been working on, Nira got up and her small frame made a way to the door that connected her space to his massive office. He invited her in and after hearing who needed to have a word with him, warden let me in.

''Have a seat, Miss.''

I obeyed, crossing my legs in the process.

''I'm not going to take much of your time, warden, but I was hoping if you could help me with something.''

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