Chapter 15

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''Then you realize how life is actually short and wasting it here is...'' 

I zoned in and out. Trying so hard to catch the words Don was eagerly telling me but I simply couldn't. My mind was already occupied by yesterday's occasions and all of the information I was given, especially from Nira.

It made sense. It definitely made sense. After all, Lloyd was the last one to share final moments with this penitentiary's previous psychologist prior to his collapsing lifelessly on the floor. Of course, he cried out for help and, for sure, there was nothing paramedics could do because the moment Mr. Woodstock hit the floor, his heart stopped beating. Apparently, it was the heart attack he suffered from. And it might be true. But my curiosity was so immense that I had to ask myself loads of questions that kept swirling in my head. One of them being - was Lloyd indeed behind the death of his ex-psychologist?

But the way he acted afterward while he'd spend time in here with me? And the way he pulled out that stunt which had almost cost me my job and, eventually, my career? How was I supposed to explain that?

''Miss?'' Don's voice brought me back to reality, as my eyes snapped in his way. The old convict gave me a perplexed look and it wasn't until then when I came to a realization that I, in fact, possessed no memory of his words in the last few minutes.

Clearing thoughts from my head, I shook it and faced him again, ''I'm so sorry for being rude, Don. I've just been thinking about something and completely drifted off. It won't happen again.'' I apologized sincerely.

He waved his hands, ''Eh, it's alright. Nothing I haven't said before. Guess it gets pretty boring once your life starts being a routine, wouldn't ya say?''

I smiled, ''Well, not that I would know how's like to live in a prison but I guess you're right.''

The patient looked at me and returned the smile back. Don wrinkled even more, as he thought about something before opening his mouth to speak, ''I hope you don't mind me asking, Miss, but what's exactly on your mind?''

Usually, I was the one asking questions. This time, I had this desire to be the one who answers them, not make them. 

I sighed, ''Nothing to be concerned about... It's just... this thing with Lloyd Phillips. It's really been getting to me.''

''That boy is nothing but trouble.'' He shook his head, ''Every since he got here, he acted like he owned the place. Like everyone should be afraid of him. I warned him, day one, to be careful. I might be old and powerless compared to him but I know what happens in there. But, of course... he wouldn't listen. I have to admit, he handled it pretty well. That was, until that doctor... that psychologist died. Roy and he have had bad blood between themselves ever since. And he changed, that's for sure.''

I became intrigued by his speech as each second had passed, ''But what did Roy have with him?''

Don opened his mouth to continue but closed them quickly. I was afraid I lost him and my assumptions were confirmed once he spoke yet again, ''I've already talked too much. If someone asks, this didn't come from me. God knows I'll rot in here until I die but at least this way, I'll die in peace.''

I had so many inquiries to ask but being understanding, I let it go. It would be impolite to keep prying and I wouldn't dare myself to put Don in such tricky position. I nodded my head and just as I was about to change the subject, there was a knock on the door.

''Come in.''

Aaron's face appeared in my sight. I made a mental reminder to talk with him once I catch some time about what had happened. Seeing how cold and distant he was acting towards me, I'd say he was still pissed at the situation. And I certainly was not going to allow it or leave it be.

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