Chapter 3

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A few days had passed and I had no such luck with having any kind of an improvement with Lloyd. Although I had only talked to four of them so far, no one had as interesting case as him. I even tried to talk with Roy Banks – the guy who was saved by their old psychologist, but he made it very clear not to call him in my office ever again. I decided not to provoke him and without any further discussion, I let Aaron take him back to his cell.

There were also Callum and Don – Callum was eighteen and the youngest prisoner here, whilst Don was sixty-three, making himself the oldest one amongst the others. Both of them were simply coming over just so they could have someone to talk to. Well, Callum was kind of giving me a hard time at first, but he opened up himself and told me one hell of a story of his life. As for Don, I figured he didn't have someone he could call a friend in there, so he liked spending some time here and talk with me about his past.

But Lloyd was still bothering me and no matter how stubborn he might be towards me, I made a mental reminder not to give up just yet.

I was thinking about inviting some of the new people in here, but the few of them who were left in those files were that kind of people that made me nauseous and uneasy. I let myself mentally prepare for them for a while.

''Do you have anyone you can trust in there?'' I asked Lloyd, while he was still staring outside of the window, completely ignoring me.

I waited for a little bit more, but I got no response.

I sighed, ''Okay, I'll let Aaron bring you back to your cell.'' Doing as I said, Aaron complied and took him right where I requested. This absolutely made no sense to me and it was slowly starting to frustrate me.

Fixing my eyes to the clock on the wall, I realized I had two more hours before the lunch. The worst part was that I had no idea what to do until then. I could tell Aaron to bring me Callum, but we made a deal that he was going to come after my lunch.

Just as I reached for the file to check it out once again, I could hear someone yelling outside the door, as the noise started getting louder and louder. 

I tried to concentrate and figure out what was the person outside saying, but I didn't have any luck. That was, until the door shot themselves wide open, revealing two guards I hadn't met yet and one very handsome guy in the prisoner clothes, with the handcuffs around his hands. The man was struggling against their hold like he didn't want to be taken in here. Both of the guards had a hard time with calming him down and keeping him on the spot.

''Calm the fuck down before I take you to the solitary!''

''Poshel nahui!'' The prisoner roared back and I was shocked as I heard a strong Russian accent rolling off his tongue.

The man, surprisingly, gradually started calming himself down, as his big dark blue eyes set themselves on me. He studied me for a moment as if he couldn't actually comprehend where did I come from.

On the other hand, I couldn't get my eyes off of him either. He was huge; he had both height and probably weight with all of those muscles that were ripping the clothes he was wearing. He had a strong jaw, very strong jaw, and the short black hair that matched his eyes. I couldn't help myself but notice the tattoo that was peaking out of his shirt and reached all the way to the part where his neck connected with the rest of his body.

Who was he?

''Miss, do you want us to stay in here?'' Asked one of the guards and it took me a moment to realize they had seated him down.

To say that I was afraid would be an understatement, but I didn't want such hazy feeling to affect me. So I answered, ''No, it's fine. You can wait in the hallway if you'd like.'' I smiled and the young man nodded before making his way out of the office, along with the other guard, leaving the intimidating man and me alone.

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