Chapter 2

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Lloyd Philips. The guy who, I pressume, had been very close to the previous psychologist, Mr. Woodstock, and was also the one who was unfortunate to testify his death. Since I was very intrigued with that very person, I decided to look through his files that were placed on my desk and I was pretty surprised when I saw he had only been charged for one felony – stealing.

He only got two years, mainly because it was his first crime he had ever committed in his life if we exclude the juvenile prison in his early age. Besides that, I haven't found anything else that I could pinpoint as a black stain on Lloyd's record.

Knowing this is a prison I am working at, after all, I was very careful with picking the patients. I was aware of the fact that sooner or later I am going to face someone with a thick record and just someone in general who will scare me shitless. Until then, I was ready to take small cases, like this one, whilst mentally preparing myself for the worst that was yet to come.

A little while after I checked some of the other inmates that were among the papers on my desk, I made a call to Nira where I asked her when was I able to see my first prisoner-patient. She informed me I have all of the authority over the guard who's protectively standing in front of the door of my office and can bring me whoever I want, whenever I want.

Satisfied with the fact, I quickly reached the doorknob and made a step forward so I could face the guard on the left side.

''Uhm, hi, Mr...?''

''Aaron Windstle. '' He smiled lightly and I realized how young he actually was. I couldn't decipher if he was a year younger or maybe even a year older than me. Anyhow, he had a short dirty blonde hair that matched his green forest eyes perfectly. He was taller than me by a whole head, but still a bit short for a guy, considering how small I seriously am. His beard was shaved and it made him look even younger. All in all, I was facing a very handsome guard.

''Mia Tennyson,'' We shook hands, as I returned the smile, ''Mr. Everstone told me you're the one I have to ask if I want someone to bring me an inmate. Is that correct?''

''It is, ma'am.'' I blushed because of the embarrassment of being called in such way, but I neverminded it.

''Please, call me Mia.''

Aaron nodded, ''Mia it is.''

''So, I was wondering if you were able to bring me Lloyd Philips, maybe?'' I asked.

''Of course, ma'am, I'll be right back.''

Before he could disappear from my eyesight, I yelled, ''It's Mia!'' but was only returned with the echoing laugh and quick ''my apologies'' prior to his disappearance.

* * *

Nothing. The only word with which I could describe my accomplishment I had achieved with my first patient in the Riverscope Prison. It's absolute nothingness. For the past hour, all I had found out was the confirmation of him being here for almost two years, and he only nodded when he was asked, whilst he also shrugged at the question how does the time he has been serving here affect him. But that's all.

He either didn't want to answer my questions or would simply stare blankly out of the window, giving me a very hard time with trying to understand his delusional mind. I could but not notice the way he was fidgeting in the chair or the way he'd turn around once in a while, like he had heard something that was hiding behind that noise, waiting for a perfect time to hurt him. He looked frightened and I was afraid of what he had been going through whilst imprisoned with all of these criminals.

When I first saw him, I would never have guessed that he's a guy who'd be considered as a troublemaker. Aside from his stance, like he would hurt you if you come anyhow closer, his face looked so young and innocent. He was also very slim for someone with his height, which made me look even shorter than usual.

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