Chapter 8

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It had to be him. There was no other person whom I left unsupervised for a few minutes in that room, except him. All this time, he had been telling me how he can play games if he wishes so. How he's going to do something unexpected, leaving regretful taste in my mouth once he's done.

Andrei was nothing but trouble – from the first day he got in my office.

What I found ridiculous was the fact that they had actually thought I was the one who had such substance with me. How could I? I'd never thought I would be accused of such crime, especially at my work. For my sake, I hope someone will foresee this and let me out of this hellhole.

Since this was a male prison, they didn't have any place to put me in so I could be under someone's surveillance until the investigation's being in a progress. That was why I ended up being locked in a solitary as if I was the most wanted criminal in this world.

Fucking solitary. I was put in a fucking dark solitary that had a window smaller than a palm of my hand.

They told me they were going to get me once everything's checked out. Aaron was the only one with a brain, hoping that they were going to have at least a little bit of a sympathy but here I was in the end.

I was still pissed at the Russian inmate.

I wouldn't have known how long I'd been sitting there, surrounded by utter darkness where I was not able to even comprehend what was standing in front of me. The only thing I could feel was the hard stone beneath me which was supposed to be a place to sleep at. I sent silent prayers that it wouldn't come to such thing because I simply couldn't bare it.

Suddenly, new voices were mixed along with the echoing noise bar door made as they opened themselves with a loud bang. My ears perked up at the sound and I tried to tell apart who was who.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side in that moment. I couldn't decipher warden's voice and it only confirmed my thoughts that he wasn't there once another solitary door opened.

''Get in!'' Some unfamiliar voice said harshly.

''Otvali, pizdo.''

Wait, was that him?

A punching sound could be heard but I was not able to see what was that all about. It seemed to me that he didn't want to be brought in here so he provided resistance. Guards, I believed so, weren't in the mood to put up with him and granted him a punch that might silence him down.

''I'll kill him!''

There was his voice again. His angry and loud voice, threatening the person who was not me this time.

''Shut up or I'll make you.'' One of the guards said and it was cut off by closing the solitary door. Wherever they put him, it was close to me. His hard and heavy breathing could be heard on the right side of my cell as if he was trying to gradually calm himself down.

I leaned myself back on the cold moist wall and tried to listen to the sounds that were coming from the cell they put him in. I couldn't hear much but it was enough to confirm that he was, in fact, there.

''What did you do this time?'' I dared to speak out loud.

The silence was the only thing that answered my question. I was almost sure that he wasn't able to hear me until his voice didn't reach out to me.


''Took you long enough.'' I almost chuckled. Almost.

He was closer this time, ''Are you in a solitary?''

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