Chapter 32 "Gun Game"

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Third Person PoV

As the atmosphere was wrapped in heavy silence, Scarlett kept glancing at Helena's goons inside the car with her. She couldn't understand what she was feeling at the moment, but one thing was for sure, she was angry. It angered her to no end that they were smart enough to separate her and Olivia to different cars, making her unable to comfort the girl in this rough situation. But after all the emotions she was feeling, she was confused at how Violet dealt with the situation. It made her question how Sara meant for her. Knowing Violet, she was always level-headed when it came to dealing with the same situation, but now it was like she wasn't even thinking straight.

How could she do something like this?

Yes, Scarlett knew Helena had Sara and she was really worried for the girl, she would have done anything to save her if Violet had told her, or at least sent her a message , but Violet didn't, instead she jeopardized everything and Scarlett couldn't come up with an escape plan.

As Scarlett was so engrossed in her own thoughts, she suddenly felt a hand on her thigh, instantly snapping her out of her reverie and eventually glared at the guy sitting at her right side. Her blood had started boiling at the sudden contact but she clenched her jaw to control her anger.

She held the hand on her thigh and whisked it off.

Breathe Scarlett, she thought, as she couldn't lose control, knowing what was at stake, but when she saw the pervert's sadistic smirk, she completely lost it. Swiftly, she raised her arm and elbowed him on his nose causing him to yelp in pain. She then turned to her left and held the other guy's head before bashing it to the window, cracking the glass on the process, rendering the guy unconscious. Hearing a groan on her right, she promptly elbowed the guy who was clutching his bleeding nose, instantly putting him to sleep.

She turned to the front and abruptly snatched the pistol that was about to be pointed at her by the guy on the passenger seat and knocked him off with it. But as she turned to the driver, the car suddenly swerved, throwing her off balance and unintentionally released the gun from her grasp. When she recovered, she then felt a sudden pain on her cheek causing her to momentarily saw stars. The driver took the opportunity as he wrapped his hand around Scarlett's neck, squeezing it hard, while his other hand was on the wheel.

Even if the force was crushing her windpipe, Scarlett held the driver's hand, trying to pry it off her neck. When it was no use, she gathered her strength and hit the driver on his neck with the side of her hand, immediately letting her go. The sudden action caused the car to skew to the side, luckily Scarlett had a quick reflex and she managed to hold onto something before the car hit another vehicle. The sudden impact caused her body to jolt forward but it didn't do any major damage to her.

Groaning, she slowly sat up and briefly looked at the unconscious bodies around her. Good thing they didn't tie her up or she couldn't have teach the perverted guy a lesson, as well as the others.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the car door, only to find guns pointing at her direction.

"Great," she mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Stand down, you idiots!" Violet shouted when she appeared, glaring at the guys, "We're in public, for fuck's sake!" she added strongly. A goon with high cheekbones sidled behind her and suddenly yanked her arm.

"You can't tell us what to do anymore, Violet," the guy said to her. He then motioned to two certain guys, "bring the girl to the car with Violet, now! And you, deal with this situation," he added assertively.

"On it, boss."

The boss' guy hauled Violet away and as instructed, two guys came near Scarlett and dragged her out of the car. As they walked, she heard soft clicks behind her and knew right away they had finished the guys she beat up earlier.

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