Chapter 24 "Confined"

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I fluttered my eyes open when I heard a soft voice, slowly calling my name. The sudden intense light of the sun momentarily blinded me as my eyelids opened and casted the face looking at me like a shadow, but as soon as my vision adjusted, a smile crept on my lips when I clearly saw the person next to me. She smiled, tucking few strands of my hair behind my ear. 

Waking up every morning and seeing her beautiful face was just a perfect thing to start my day.

"Morning beautiful," she greeted causing me to slightly flush.

"Mornin'." I slid closer and slung my arm to her side but when my hand touched her back, I felt something wet against my palm. Raising my hand, I gasped in horror when I saw my hand was covered with blood, causing me to look at her emotionless expression, in shock.

"Scarlett?" My voice quivered in panic but it didn't change her neutral expression.

"I told you, didn't I?...That I would protect you no matter what...even if it means my life." 

I shook my head fervently, "No, no, you can't be...

"I died protecting you Liv..." Her cold voice sent chills down to my spine.

"No, no, you're not dead Scarlett. You can't be dead." Shaking my head, I forced myself up and moved to my side, putting a gap between us. 

She pushed herself up like I did and simply smiled, "I died protecting you Liv..." I shook my head, feeling the tears slipping my face as my heart swelled up. Closing my eyes, I tried to shut her out as she kept repeating the same words over again. 

"Stop, stop, stop..." I chanted in my mind. There was no way she was dead. This was just a dream, a very bad dream I wanted to wake up from.

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder causing me to jerk in surprise. I opened my eyes and found her deep blue eyes staring me down while holding me in place, her nails digging on my shoulders making me wince.

"You're not real," I mumbled weakly.

"No Liv. I died protecting you, remember?"

"No, stop, stop please..."

"I died Liv, prot-..."

"I said stop! STOP!" 

I jolted up and gasped as I was covered with sweat. Panting, I looked around the dim room and realized everything was unfamiliar and as I frantically roamed my gaze, it finally hit me I was taken by the Red Circle and remembered Scarlett getting shot which probably triggered the dream I just had. Not knowing her condition just made me sick to my stomach but I didn't want to think that something worst had happened to her. Scarlett was strong, a single bullet wouldn't stop her and I knew for a fact she wouldn't leave me just like that. I knew she was okay. She needed to be okay, so when I returned, I wanted her to welcome me with open arms.   

With a renewed hope, I jumped off the bed and scurried towards the door with a frantic heart and tried to open it and as expected, it was locked.

"Help! Anybody!" I shouted, pounding the door at the same time, hoping someone would hear me or get some attention. I shouted again and again for help but it was for naught. I had no idea where I was but looking around, I got the feeling that I was in a hotel room or something.

I turned to my back and instantly saw light behind a thick curtain. I ran towards it, promptly pulling it aside revealing a sliding glass door leading to the balcony. I felt the hope inside me deflated as I slid the door and stepped out the balcony, scanning the surrounding highrise buildings. 

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