Chapter 20 "Saving Sara"

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"Are you in position?"

"Yeah, I got you."

Taking off the helmet, I got off the bike and briefly stared at Sara's house from the front. I could see from the window, through the curtain, the lights were on but there wasn't any movements or silhouettes inside. As I looked around, nothing was out of the ordinary, everything was still and calm. 

"I'm coming in," I mumbled through the comm.

"Be careful," Violet responded and I let out a breath before walking to the door. I turned the knob and surprisingly it wasn't locked. The door swung open and I was greeted with nothing but silence. Floorboards creaked as I cautiously stepped inside, looking around the room and noticed that nothing was amiss, everything was in their place as far as I remembered. 

A sudden ringing of the phone broke the deafening silence, causing me to jump a little. My head snapped to Sara's phone resting on the center table. As I got near, I saw an unknown number on the screen and slowly, I picked it and answered the call, while roaming my eyes around the room, hoping to find a hidden camera as the call was a perfect timing.

"Vladimir," I mumbled through gritted teeth, "Where's Sara?" I looked outside for spies but no one was lurking. I was certain Violet was doing the same also and since she didn't say anything, meant that no one was suspicious.

"Relax Ms. Smith, your little girlfriend is fine here with me..." I heard a groan on the other end of my comm. Olivia.  "... I just wanna say how glad I am that you came. Although I would be more glad if you came with Ms. Miller..." Yeah, well, Violet is on the lookout so she couldn't come, "...but I guess, you'll do...for now."

As I continued scanning the room, my eyes landed on a tiny camera fixed on the tv, above the screen. Smiling, I strode near and stared directly at it.

"I'm glad you think so," I said sarcastically with a smirk. 

"Ah, you always look good Ms. Smith. You and Ms. Miller... But enough chitchat, I can't wait to see you again. My guards would be there any minute to pick you up. I hope you will cooperate Ms. Smith, you know the rules. Have a safe trip...and see you soon." The line went dead, leaving me pissed and worried. I hoped Vladimir didn't hurt Sara or I would cut his head off.

After wo minutes of standing in distress, I saw a limousine pulled up in front and two guards came out, scanning the area first before making their way into the house.  

"Stay safe Scar," Liv whispered from the other line. The worry was evident in her voice and I hated it that I was the cause of it but it couldn't be helped. We needed to save Sara and this has to be done.

"See you guys at the destination," I mumbled just before two guards burst open the door.

I immediately plastered a huge smile at them, "Hi boys, glad you're here. Let's go," I said, walking past the guards and into the car. I looked across the street, to where Violet and Liv were, hiding in the dark, before pushing myself inside the car. 

Wait for us Sara, we're coming for you!


I bit my lower lip to keep me from snapping when the guard behind me shoved me for the second time. It wasn't like I was walking slow and didn't know where I was going. He just wanted to piss me off. Fortunately for him, it was working.

"Come on blondie, don't be a turtle and walk faster," he hissed, shoving me once more.

"Shove me again or I'll shave your weird mustache," I threatened as he reached my side and stared me down. I glanced at him briefly and looked away instantly, not wanting to see his face for long. One thing I hated about the guy was his face and another was, well, his Jason King-ish mustache. It didn't really suit him. 

My Cheerleader Has A Gun (gxg)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora