Chapter 16 "Not Too Discreet"

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I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out while I stared at Sara who looked pale while eyeing the gun and the mess I made when I patched Violet on the table. She stood still while her eyes flickered to my direction and like I was, no words came out when she opened her mouth. 

I slowly walked to her, still her gaze was trained on me as I moved.

"S-Sara, I can explain," I said in a slow and calm voice. I flinched when her hand suddenly gripped my arm. She looked really pale now that I was standing near her. Could it be that she has a fear of blood?

"Sam, b-blood," With that, her eyes rolled back and she collapsed into my arms. I staggered back at the sudden weight and looked at Violet who stayed silent since. She smiled and shrugged, leaning back on the couch.

I frowned, "What are you smiling about? Can't you see she just fainted. Come on help me."

"Could it be she has hemophobia? Well anyway, I guess it's a good thing she fainted, we got time to think of an excuse to what she saw...and in case you forgot, I'm wounded so I can't help you," she replied nonchalantly. 

"Unbelievable," I murmured. Sighing in defeat, I lifted Sara and carried her on my arms as I climbed upstairs and headed to my bedroom. Opening the door, I walked inside and gently laid her down on the bed. I took her glasses and put it to the bedside table before staring back at her sleeping face. She looked so peaceful and innocent that I didn't want to stop looking at her. Brushing a strand of hair from her face, I thought of what Violet had said. I had to think of plausible excuse and knowing how smart and curious Sara was, it would be hard to make her believe.

I heaved myself up and stripped the dress off before walking to the bathroom. After last night's event, I definitely wanted to take a shower, aside from sleep, as I felt icky. As soon as the water hit my skin, all my nerves had calmed down and I felt rejuvenated yet my mind hadn't stopped thinking about everything. I now knew that the Red Circle was after the Cox' but the big question was why? Why would a notorious organization we had been chasing for years had been targeting them? Thinking about it, I wanted to go to the house and asked Mr. Cox but now wasn't the perfect time as it was too risky, enemies could be lurking everywhere considering we just had our mission.

Another thing that has been bugging me was Olivia. I wondered how she was doing. Was she still afraid of me? Or was she mad at me because I left her all of a sudden? Even if I wanted to see her, I had to wait and besides, I knew she wanted to have some private time with her parents. And of course, this thing with Sara, why was she here anyway?

Wrapping the towel around my body, I went out of the bathroom and saw Sara slowly waking up. I watched her curiously as she slowly sat up and put on her glasses, looking around the room until her gaze landed on mine.

"Oh, um, h-how did I get here?" she stammered as I noticed her eyes sized me up. Her cheeks turned red and she looked away.

"I carried you here, you fainted. Do you perhaps have a fear in blood?"

She nodded. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause you any trouble."

"But you saw my bleeding lip that movie night yet you seemed okay."

She hung her head, her forehead creased as if she was thinking. "Oh that, I was distracted and Olivia wiped it before I could make a good look at it."

I nodded slowly, "Anyway. I'm glad you're okay."

She looked up and stared at me, "So what happened to Violet? Why is there a gun on the table? Is it yours? or hers? And why were you two in those dresses? Did you go to a party? Is that the reason why the two of you weren't in school yesterday?"

My Cheerleader Has A Gun (gxg)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang