Chapter 30 "The Bitch's 'I Love You'"

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My worry for Violet seemed to dissipate when I felt Olivia's hand on mine while we were on our way back to the white house. Looking at her, I smiled and squeezed her hand which she returned also with a smile. Having her near me again felt good, it made me realize how I missed her presence so much. She kept me sane at the moment, and the thought of going back to Violet has finally disappeared on my mind. 

As soon as we reached the house, Olivia went straight upstairs as she was feeling tired, while I stayed with the gang, as we tried to figure what to do next. Even if I was tired also, I needed a distraction to keep me from thinking about Violet. 

Up until now, we still hadn't figured out the other two names of the triad and I knew it would take us a while as Violet was in no condition to help us and Ryan was still reviewing the files we got from Lucian's laptop, containing mostly about the data of the business he was handling.

When it was already late in the afternoon, we decided to call it quits after two hours of working and agreed to continue tomorrow. The gang stayed and chilled for almost thirty minutes before going back to the Agency, leaving me alone in the living room. I wished they were part of Liv's protection program so we could hang out all the time. I was sure, it would be a little less...lonely.

Having enough with the solitude, with a sigh, I went upstairs, straight to my bedroom where I found Olivia sleeping on the bed. I walked to the bed and sat on the empty side, watching her with a smile. My heart warmed as I admired her. For days, I had been feeling miserable, often thinking that what if I wouldn't be able to see her again? It was worse, but now she was here, I couldn't ask for more, even if it was all because of Violet's sick idea.

Looking at the digital clock on the bedside table, I slipped under the covers and laid down beside her. I still had less than an hour before I would make us dinner so for now, I just wanted to take some rest and watched Liv sleeping for it has been a while since I got to do it.

With the back of my hand, I gently traced the side of her face, feeling the softness of her skin against mine. Somehow, I couldn't take my eyes off of her, it was like they were glued to it. I put my arm on her waist and slowly leaned in, kissing the tip of her nose which I often did when she slept.

Few minutes passed, I felt my eyelids grew heavy while still looking at her. I closed my eyes, welcoming the darkness and within seconds, I drifted off into a dreamless nap.


I groaned in annoyance when I felt a tickling sensation on the tip of my nose. Fluttering my eyes open, I immediately saw Liv's smirking face and instantly figured out she was the one tickling me. I let out a huge sigh and brought the cover over my head to get back to sleep. I needed a long sleep right now, I didn't want anyone disturbing me.

"Hey, it's dinner time!" Hearing her said that, my eyes instantly snapped open and I promptly shrugged the cover off as I looked at the clock on the table. It was almost eight in the evening and I hadn't yet cooked for dinner.

"Why didn't you wake me a little earlier? Are you famished?" I asked as I got off the bed. The grogginess was starting to ebb as I headed towards the door. I didn't know why I was feeling eager to make Liv dinner right now. It could be that I was trying to make her feel at home again or could be that I wanted to let her have some decent meal as I noticed she got a little thin. Either way, I was feeling generous right now, even if my sleep has been disrupted.

"Not really, I'm a little hungry though," she answered as we descended down the stairs and went straight to the kitchen. I immediately started getting the ingredients for baked pesto chicken while she sat on the island, watching me.

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