Chapter 12 "Trail"

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(Violet on the media)




"Really Violet?"

"What did I do? I got your text and caught this sneaky bastard. It was pretty easy by the way, didn't break any sweat,"

"Of course it was easy, that's Brad, Olivia's ex-boyfriend!"

"Oh," Messing up my hair in frustration, I stomped towards Brad who was unconscious and tied to a chair. There was a small trickle of blood on his left cheek from a small gash on his head but aside from that, he seemed fine.

"After I knocked him down, the girl he was with jumped on me. Black hair, blue eyes, she caught me off guard, luckily I managed but damn, she can fight," My brows arched in concentration as I thought of a girl who could be with Brad but since there was a lot of dark-haired girls with blue eyes, I couldn't rule out who. Must be Brad's new girl but was he over with Olivia? 

"Okay. Do me a favor? Wake him up for me," 

"Gladly!" she answered excitedly. I turned my back on him so Violet could have her way but I stopped when I heard something connected to a flesh. I turned around and saw Violet's raised fist.

"Stop! What are you doing?"

"Waking him up," she said as a matter of fact. 

"I meant not the hard way,"

She sighed, "That's boring," Thankfully Brad slowly came into consciousness and groaned while looking around the room, disoriented. He shook his head, getting rid of the dizziness.

"Where am I?" he mumbled. I nodded at Violet who nodded in understanding. She jogged to check on the girls. Dragging a chair from the corner, I placed it a distant away, in front of Brad. I sat looking at him as he slowly got a grip of himself then finally his gaze landed on mine. 

"You! What am I doing here? Untie me now!" he hissed as he fruitlessly struggled against his seat. His veins were popping out in his forehead and arms as he tried to pull himself out of the ropes around his body and wrists.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You're just wasting your stength."

"What the fuck is going on? How did you- Who are you really Flynn? How can you do this to me?"

I rolled my eyes, "You don't get to ask questions here Brad. I do. So let's not waste our time and get on with this. Why were you following us?" I said calmly. 

"What are you asking? I wasn't following you. We just happened to see you guys in the parking lot. And since I was curious, I had to see if what they were talking about was true."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard some students talk about how Olivia and you are so close like a couple. You even gave her a ride to school earlier. I had to see you know, I mean you aren't a couple right? Olivia isn't even a bi." I craned my neck to the side, keeping my mouth shut at his question. All I could say was that we were definitely not a couple and honestly, I didn't know what we were, all I knew was that Olivia wasn't straight as pole as what Brad thought of her.

Sighing, I shifted on my seat and crossed a leg over the other while I examined Brad. "You said we, who was with you?"

"Elle. I was about to give her a ride." That explained it. Black hair, blue eyes, Violet was referring to Elle but I didn't know she could fight.

Contemplating, I stood up and went out of the basement to find Violet, leaving Brad shouting behind me. Since the walls were thick in this house, I doubted  Liv or Sara would hear him. I found Violet in the kitchen, eating her pasta alone while scrolling through her iPad. I flopped down on the chair across her.

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