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"i set out to rule the world with only a paper shield and a wooden sword."


i trudged down the familiar halls of kingsbury high, turning at the corner of the 300 building. i hadn't talked to mason in a few days, despite his very persistent texts. he texted me things like what did i do? and why are you ignoring me? and i love you babe, which made me feel a pang of sadness inside. i was ignoring him for the wrong reasons and doing the opposite of what you should do when you're having relationship issues. except, how do i talk to him? i haven't found the right words to explain my dilemma to him.

i stopped at my locker and twisted the number combination into the lock. i grabbed the supplies i would need for the next few periods, shoving them into my bag. there was a presence behind me but before i could react, they did. a hand gently wrapped around my wrist and tugged me to turn around. the familiar feeling of hand that i could place exactly on -


when i turned around, mason was standing there with his hand around my wrist. his green eyes started into mine with a mix of worry and sadness.

"why have you been ignoring me?" he questioned, not letting go of my wrist. i blanked for a moment before i answered.

"let me go mason." i demanded and he immediately released the gentle grip he had on me. even when he's angry with me, he'd never hurt me. "we'll talk about it later."

"no, i wanna talk about it now. why haven't you answered any of my texts or calls for the past three days? i've been worried sick about you. i didn't know if something bad happened to you!"

"like you would help me if something did." i mumbled under my breath but i guess it was loud enough for him to hear.

"what's that supposed to mean?" he angrily asked. the tone of his voice made me a little angry too. i knew there was no way he knew what i was hinting at because there was no way that he knew that i knew about troye. it didn't stop me from getting heated.

"i said leave me alone!" i spat a little too loudly and slammed my locker shut. i walked away from him with my arms crossed against my chest.

i plopped down in my desk keeping my arms close to me. i was cold and annoyed and i could tell today was going to be a bad day already. i looked away as mason entered the room. i wish he wasn't in my classes so i wouldn't have to see him at all. i shivered as i took my notebook and a pen out from my bag.

mrs. abbott started talking and i knew this was going to be a long period. i sat with my head in my hand thinking about me and mason. i thought about the first day we met in the hallway, how soft his hands felt in mine. i thought about the first time we kissed. it was like electricity ran through my veins. i thought about the carnival and sitting on top the ferris wheel, feeling as if i could rule the world. i thought about the night on the beach, laying with the warm sand around us as we made out passionately. it was us against the world. i cradled my arms close to me to keep me warm.

the bell rang and i sighed. i walked to my locker alone, opening it up to grab my lunch. a dark blue hoodie fell into my lands as it swung open.  i picked up the yellow sticky note on it.

i saw you shivering in first period. please just take it.

i couldn't stay mad at him. another pang of sadness fled my entire body as i held it in my hands. he cares. it confuses me. i shut my locker slowly and walked to the courtyard to have lunch.

i was never one to feel fragile, never vulnerable. i had a good grip on life no matter how hard it got. now, i felt like if someone were to talk to me i'd break down. i didn't know what i was doing. i wanted to cry. i wanted to scream. i carefully put on his hoodie, trying to bring myself some sort of comfort. it was nothing similar to being close to him. a tear slid down my cheek that i quickly wiped away before anyone saw.

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