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"i'll go anywhere you want, anywhere you want, anywhere you want me.."


the thoughts of the connor and mason thing and skylar consumed my mind last night. it made me horribly anxious, like really very bad anxious. i've never felt something that bad in the time i had been with mason and maybe even before hand. i persisted through it, managing to fall asleep. my mind was exhausted from all the thinking i was doing, my body as well.

when i woke up this morning, there was this agonizing pain in my chest. it hurt to breathe and i was still a little anxious so i just assumed i was having an anxiety attack. until, it didn't stop. i promised my mother we could have a day together and i don't give up on my promises. ever. i wasn't about to worry her either, so i didn't tell her. i got ready for our day, which she chose to go to the mall. a good decision on her behalf, i was always up for shopping.

i walked downstairs to see my mom cooking breakfast in the kitchen. my mom was intimidating in an odd way, she was kind of one of those powerful women. i mean not to me because she was my mother but to other people i assume. i guess working high up anywhere will give you that look. she was also insanely gorgeous, something i wish she genetically passed down to me. i peeked over the counter to see what she was wearing. i lightly giggled looking at her oversized tan sweater, skinny blue ripped jeans (with a belt of course), and heeled booties.

"nice outfit today, mom. a little dressed up for the mall, don't you think?" i teased.

"fashion has no limits." she responded smiling as she flipped over a pancake. i nodded my head. she placed a plate of stacked pancakes with raspberries and whipped cream in front of me. it's my favorite breakfast since i was like five. she's always good at remembering little things. after we ate, we hopped in her car on the way to the mall.

my chest started hurting again and i tried to control my breathing to not make it completely obvious. she seemed not to notice and i contemplated telling her again. i told myself i only would if it got really bad, which i hope it wouldn't come down too.

we arrived at the mall and she instantly started shopping. i like shopping i guess, never as much as her though. she pulled a black dress off a rack, holding it up to my body.

"this would look adorable on you darling." she spoke. i glanced at it, maybe it would look better on than on the hanger. i grabbed it and entered a fitting room.

i stared at myself in the mirror, i didn't like it very much. i heard my mom call my name and i pushed aside the curtain. she smiled,

"that looks lovely."

"i'm not sure i like it that much, mom." i quietly said, grabbing the tag to check the price. "besides its a lot of money."'

"you know money is not a problem scarlett." she firmly stated.

"i'm never gonna wear it, mom. you like it? why don't you try it on!" i argued, getting a little angry.

"you never like anything i pick out for you!" she raised her voice a little. "i shouldn't even bother, you ungrateful brat."

"maybe you never pick out anything i like because you never take the time to talk to me. you barely even know me anymore!"

" scarlett elizabeth westfield you know that is not true. i am done having this argument." she breathed out, her hands going to her temples. "just take the damn dress off and let's go."

i followed her instructions, placing the dress back on the hanger. we left bloomingdale's and she was walking at a fast pace, something she does when she's angry. i couldn't keep up with her this time. it was getting worse as i sped walked to follow her. she finished up a phone call that she had received a few minutes ago.

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