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"our nights have grown so long. now we beg for sound advice. 'let the brokenness be felt 'til you reach the other side'"


"m-mason?" i shouted out as i looked around. i was in an open field and every which way i turned i only saw more flowers and a set of mountains carried out. i heard the chirp of a bird and looked up into the clear blue sky. the scene was so calm yet i felt so uneasy. dark clouds started rolling in and i heard a crackle of thunder that made me flinch. i started sprinting as fast as i could, continuing to shout mason's name. i couldn't find him anywhere. i tripped over a log on the ground and before i hit the ground...

...the scenery shifted.

i was suddenly on top of one of the mountains. my legs shook as i looked over, seeing as i was about 500 feet in the air. i tried not to freak out as i looked up. the sky was still dark and a bolt of lightning struck the next mountain over, causing a puff of smoke. i knew i had to get out of here before i got struck myself. i made a shaky step and the mountain started crumbling beneath me and i was falling... and falling.. and ..

..the scenery shifted once more.

i was at the carnival again, except it was deserted. the lights were on and the rides and music were still running. i cautiously walked around. 'this is just a dream' i told myself. i was creeped out as i walked around and the rides were moving without a single soul in them. the smell of popcorn and cotton candy still lingered in the air. chills were sent down my body as the wind blew. i rubbed my arms to try to warm them up but it was no use. i stood in front of the love boats and the path lit up in front of me. i knew better than to get in, but i climbed aboard anyways. the tunnel was pitch black, except there was a little light coming from what i assumed was the end. the boats came to a stop and i climbed out. it had taken me to the ferris wheel when i heard my name. i turned around and connor was standing there. he laughed as he saw the fear flash across my face.

"mason isn't here to protect you now, huh?" he taunted. i started backing up until i hit the wall of a game tent. i screamed mason's name again, hoping i could manipulate this dream and make him appear. but for some reason, i was all alone and i couldn't make my mind make him appear.

" why are you doing t-this? c-connor, i said i was sorry." i choked out cowardly, growing increasingly more afraid of him. i circled around the tent trying to get away from him
but he followed me.

"but you don't mean that!" he spat, pulling a gun out of his back pocket. it was my anxiety manipulating my dream. 'this isn't real' my voice echoed in the back of my mind. he pointed the gun at me, placing his finger on the trigger. i shut my eyes waiting for the loud sound of the shot, not wanting to see it anymore. wake up scarlett, wake up, wake up.. my voice echoed again.

i shot up with a scream before covering my mouth. i looked around, noticing i was alone in mason's room and the clock's bright light read 1:39 a.m. in the pitch black room. an overwhelming amount of light flood from the door and mason barged in running to my side. he didn't even reach me before i had ran to him, hugging him so tightly i almost threw him off balance. i buried my face into his chest as he confusedly placed his hand on my back drawing circles into it. "i thought you had left me." i mumbled inaudibly into his chest. he led me back to his bedside and clicked the lamp, finally lighting up the room.

"bad dream?" he questioned. i nodded, refusing to let go of him. i felt safe in his arms. "someone's extra clingy, what happened?" he mumbled, half laughing.

"you weren't there." i started. "i was in a big open field and i was searching for you and i couldn't find you anywhere. and then i was high up on top of a mountain and lighting struck so i took a step and it started crumbling then i was falling. and then i was at the carnival again except no one was there. it was cold and creepy and connor appeared. he was m-mad at me still but this time he pulled out a gun and then i got myself to wake up." i shivered thinking about the nightmare again. mason traced over my arms up and down in an attempt to calm me.

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